
What if something you cared about was criminalized, though? Obviously I'm no longer referring to child porn at this point, but to, for example, negative statements about the government, or indications that you were homosexual? Is it ok for your private correspondence to be monitored then as well, so you can be

nice to know that google is constantly scanning my emails. I feel so safe now

do we REALLY need to add asterisks and clauses to things that should be painfully obvious when taken in context? Also: there are female condoms. Lesbians (I am one of these FYI) also use male condoms, cutting them for use as dental dams. Stop being so nitpicky and smug, please.


Not withstanding the fact that this guy might very well be a bad guy who was intentionally deceitful, let's stop demonizing people who are HIV positive. He did lie. And that's not okay. But it is up to both individuals (or all in the case of more than two) to protect themselves. If they didn't insist on condoms,

What a drama king.

So much vagina and not a period to be found.

I'm open to an explanation but I definitely get an icky misogynist vibe from these "gay guys think vaginas are weird" jokes.

I have a silent rage every time a gay man makes a comment about vaginas being disgusting.

Oh, haha, vaginas are just so funny. Hahaha. They're so gross and mysterious and let's publish a book about our ignorance and distaste for them. That is so fucking funny. Vaginas. Haha.

I know this is light hearted but all I can think is: yay yet more men who think it's ok to criticise women's genitalia.

This is dumb as shit. Unless the gay men are also blind men who grew up in the Bible Belt and had no sex education, this is contrived. Lesbians know what a penis is and gay men know what a vagina is. We can all draw zebras and elephants and most of us don't see those very often either.

I don't need feminism because the entire human species are nothing but walking litter box scoopers and the idea that your gender differences actually matter is laughable to me. Go refill my goddamn water dish.

I know people who can have kids, but genetically should not because of centuries of inbreeding back in their ancestral European countries. New genes from an ethnicity that does not have their genetic defects is promising.

I love the way that you placed all of the periods at the end to add to the clarity of the piece. Bravo!

I know that, I can read. It's the innuendo, the connotation that she plays off. Tarsome.

Dita's shtick has grown so tiresome. We get it......ooohhh sex......cum on legs, I'm so shocking......

Selfies are supposed to be spontaneous and all of these look like they had not only pro photographer, but pro hair, makeup and lighting!! What an industry the selfie has become. Imagine how many hours a day these people and their "people" lose setting up and shooting all of these "spontaneous" selfies.

You laugh out loud about odd things.