The Latin American edition en espanol will be Dostinia.
The Latin American edition en espanol will be Dostinia.
Homeland Security did my training, too. I work for a Federal agency stationed near a major airport. They did not engage in any of those sorts of suggestions about profiling or fears of “political correctness”, out beyond noting that most active shooters were angry white men, but could be any angry unstable person. The…
I want you to know that I understand and appreciate what you are saying. The golden rule suggests that we should treat others as we wish to be treated, and that we should be fair and even-handed in our dealings. Alas, the very concept of honor sometimes feels like an archaic relic from a better time that never was.…
The best futuristic space armour I’ve seen for females lately comes from XCOM2.
They are loud, but you’re not alone. Stay strong together.
Zoolander and not Tropic Thunder? I’m not sure I can trust your cinematic judgement.
You fight with honor - but you always fight. I was a skinny kid who bullies thought would be an easy target in my younger years. You can’t go to adults for help, because the administration was frequently sympathetic to a troubled kid who they saw in their office all the time rather than the straight-A student. I…
Thatwas really powerful and articulated my dissatisfaction with the Snyder Superman films in a way I had not yet actualized. Thank you. I think that the world can still have an optimistic Superman who is realistic but has not succumbed to cynicism; the kind of guy who would stand at Ground Zero on 9/11, and say, “I…
Hey, if you follow the Ghostbusters expanded universe (and the recent videogame with the key four voices returning and writing), Ernie Hudson’s character went on to become Dr. Zeddmore after earning a PhD in folklore.
“Eight months of baby ending with one day of abortion.”
Welcome to America. We like to think we’re the greatest country on Earth. Honestly, there are a lot of good things that we do, but we are positively terrible about things if we can’t find a way to make a buck.
It will be interesting to see how much of the old canon they preserve on Han. He allegedly started out a young idealist Correllian, joining the Imperial Academy to serve in the Navy and bring justice to frontier worlds. He ran headlong into the corruption of Imperial politics, and developed a strong sense of cynicism.…
Speak for yourself. I loved The Cave!
I must admit some confusion here. Are you opposed to the long-standing American policy of taking in refugees seeking political asylum from enemy nations? Do you wish that the United States had not rescued Czechs fleeing occupation by the Soviet Union? Are you opposed to saving North Koreans being oppressed by their…
American law applies to American citizens inside or out of the United States. Further, American law is applied to all persons interacting with American citizens or the government. This prevents other countries from suddenly nationalizing American businesses, or American businesspeople from deciding that they don’t…
I will repeat myself: the fourteenth amendment states that a state may not deprive a “person” of due process. The Supreme Court has repeatedly chosen to conclude because Congress did not write “citizen” that this means that American law covers all persons inside of the United States. This has long been one of the…
Not up to me, ad hominem attack. Try the Supreme Court.
Hey: I think you got a little bit of baby in with your bathwater, there. Especially if you’re an American. Our justice system (and many of our religious orders) tend to regard one as born innocent until proven guilty. But hey! If you hate the Constitution and Christianity, I hear that there are these Daesh psychotics…
Helping the less fortunate is a different kind of battle, but one no less worthy than those waged with sword and pen. In many ways it is a much more difficult fight to win. Even Jesus suggested turning the other cheek when slapped.
It is terrible that race/ethnicity is such a delicate issue, because you are right: it would be more fun to focus on how gosh-darned clever “Josie” was, especially for its time! The marketing selling that film completely failed to express its subversive or satirical nature. It was only well after it was out of the…