
Fair enough: they could have found another equally talented woman of color to fill the role. I suspect that aside from Ms. Dawson’s talent, someone hoped that her “Afro-Cuban” ancestry would fulfill the desires of both Latinas and young black women to see themselves reflected on stage.

Rosario Dawson isn’t sufficiently African-American for you? I suspect that she would be very disappointed to hear you say that.

Man. I went looking for this coment immediately, because I knew I couldn’t possibly be the only person who felt that way. While “Josie” wasn’t a first-run commercial success (probably due to awful marketing for a movie that was too clever for its own good), it really picked up some amazing steam on DVD.

I too am a fan of the Arbiter, and Bungie’s decision to include him as a counterpoint with far more of a personality and character development than the Chief. That said, the narrative interruption between 2 and 3 (as well as the stories that eventually emerged from the studio) confirmed that Bungie ended the game

I have family in the industry, and they tell me that this is not uncommon anytime a company is using a proprietary and new engine for level design. The broad brush strokes are great, but the tools for making small adjustments after things have been imported to the engine from other dev programs are sometimes a mess.

I recommend hopping on meetup and finding or creating a board game group. It really helps in all sorts of ways for your social life and meeting new people all while playing a bunch of different games.

I have heard that the cats or dogs usually come as cast-offs from animal shelter euthanasia, but that could just be a rumor.

Chinese traders would eventually have brought colonists for the Empire to both Australia and North America.

Most mammals are easy to skin. Once you hit the links between the basal layer and the integument, it just peels off.

They apparently “add value” to the team’s activities. As the article describes, there is a $500/ticket bonus where you get a meet-n-greet with the cheerleaders. If but one person chooses to purchase this additional adventure from the team, they have paid for about fifty-five hours of dance team salary at minimum wage.

I have a friend who works over there in the library. His opinion? “Polite, but dumb.” That, and holy cow is there a huge cocaine problem on the campus.

Yes, reporting that a crime has occurred is far worse than the tool who committed the crime.

Nod, smile tiredly, look bored, and walk like you know where you are going.

I have family who worked at DE. They definitely care about personal security, and this sort of nonsense was mentioned during employee orientation, but it appears that individual employees have forgotten the guidelines. That, and the once small company has grown so fast and divided into different work units for

I’m with you. I want to know when I am getting my government and pharmaceutical-sponsored endorsement checks for being pro-science...

This is a massive misunderstanding of the way vaccines function. Vaccines use either an inert or weakened version of the pathogen. It is injected into your system. Your immune system picks up the bits of the mangled or de-fanged pathogen, and learns to recognize it. Vaccines basically train your immune system to

I find it interesting the number of times you mention that “this female character was created by fans”. You would think the corporation would have caught on by now and offered more female characters with which to expand their fanbase and apparently satisfy their existing fanbase.

Is there a way to tweak gamepad support in? I’ve been playing it with mouse and keyboard, but this is the first time in almost fifteen years, and I have really lost my touch.

Bug identification lab for the University of Florida and then while with the state department of agriculture. It is distressing, because once you realize that showing them the difference between the sample they are presenting and typical arthropod-based skin infestations or eczema is not enough to stop them from

As an entomologist, we get asked to identify “specimens” as larvae or adults of certain types of insect. They are usually cotton or synthetic fibers (rug, clothing), animal hair (do you have a dog or cat?), or occasionally insects that appear to have been mashed into a supporating wound (cockroach or ant picked up