
I agree with you: they’re cutting off their nose to spite their face. That said, Citadel has “we want this to be a global franchise like the Marvel movies“ written all over it. Someone at Amazon really wants it to happen and to have directors in India writing about the India-based team and writers in China writing

Yeah, but did they get Mexico to pay for it? 

If we truly lived in a capitalist society, this sort of thing would self-correct. As you conclude, it is unlikely that your CEO adds 15% in value to the company's revenues and increased ROI to shareholders every year. 

THIS. I am pretty sure that if boards cared to do so, they could outsource or automate CEOs in the same way that they have outsourced labour. Is anyone seriously convinced that an Indian or Chinese CEO couldn’t do the same quality job for half as much? They don’t even have to do as good a job so long as the savings in

I’m in a totally separate industry, but I have to agree with you. I’ve been in non-union and union shops, and the difference was double the pay, an HR department and management that listened to employee complaints (both individually and collectively!), and way better medical benefits. Sure, there are complaints about

They’ve had the training, so the company can point to it and say they made an effort to show staff “good behavior” thereby avoiding liability, but how much of it sinks in with staff and is embraced as meaningful? How much of staff (and management) view this as “just another boring politically correct goody two shoes

Accessibility applies to disability, but also to a game that my young child and I can both enjoy at the same time. He can play and experience it on easy mode and I can play it on hard. We can share a narrative and overcome common adversity together. Not everything has to be Dark Souls or Meat Boy. I can play against

They’ve changed things to reduce some of the FOMO. Sure, you won't get the cool cosmetic armour from certain seasons or events, but most of the guns and exotic armour can be unlocked through grinding new simple quests. Some of the solo adventures can still be completed, and the Vaulted stuff will probably eventually

Almost four years into the Biff Tannen Timeline, and it is horrible to look back on this moment and lament our collective losses. Ms. Schlafly was a visionary, albeit one who eagerly embraced our current dystopia. She beat the ERA and brought us to an inconceivable world where Trump could win an election.

I remember Usenet and flame wars and the origins of Godwin's Law. Things haven't really changed for the worse, we've just lowered the gateways to entry. 

No truer Scotsman than you. 

So basically this is similar to the “mod capacity” system from Warframe, where the accumulated experience/use of the item (armour, gun, pet) allows you to add more perks. Warframe has a level cap on mod capacity, and you have to hunt for each mod, with certain enemies and activities being more or less likely to drop

That was a convincing and contrite apology from someone who did something genuinely awful, embraced his shame, and then owned up to it with no expectation of grace. While I would not forget his misbehavior, I would be willing vote forgive after an apology like that.

No to diminish the impact upon students of color, but her racist attitude will also do damage to the white students in her classroom, too. It won’t be the direct sort of damage that she will be doing to the students of different ethnicities, but it will be indirect. She will be turning her white students into little

If your lab doesn’t have the funding to start another study, you may need to produce a publication to justify your prior expenditures - and to point to as a work product in order to apply for more money to run those additional studies. Your preliminary results may be trumpeted from the rooftops, but the results of

Hey, Kumail Nanjiani is from just across the border in Pakistan! He is a stand-up guy, and funny to boot!

Hey, Kumail Nanjiani is from just across the border in Pakistan! He is a stand-up guy, and funny to boot!

Just remember: lawful and good, not awful and stupid. Both a police officer and a soldier can be lawful and moral without being obnoxious. Sometimes even the best cop has to pull a gun to serve and protect, and a warrior serves as a sword for their state as well as a shield. “My government has authorized me with the

As a white guy who spent entirely too much time growing up in the South but who was fortunate enough to get out, I am sorry. I hear and appreciate your very justifiable rage and frustration. You are right to call out the privileged for our inaction. Were I still living in a place like that, I’d happily write my

Yup. Right next door to the crazy-person creation “science” museum.