
Five bucks says this gets an ‘unrated cut’ on the Blu-ray, with a bunch of CG blood and a couple of alternate dialogue takes with f-bombs.

Most action movies pitched at a mainstream audience are PG-13: all the Marvel movies, all DC movies other than Joker, all the Fast and Furious movies. all the Star Wars movies, all the Jurassic Park movies.

It’s hardly random, is it? They’d already encountered him on Tatooine and brought it to the Council as a Big Fucking Deal because he was the first Sith anyone had encountered in ages.

Not to speak for all boys with absent or problematic dads, but if there’s a decent adult man in your life at a young age, you tend to latch on pretty quick (Watto was hardly decent).

It’s the best interpretation of a climax that Phantom Menace has (because it certainly isn’t when Anakin blows up the Trade Fed ship by accident).

Yeah, I am rather dubious if this is anywhere close to what Lucas was consciously intending versus a bigger, badder, “MORE INTENSITY!” (his trademark direction) lightsaber battle.

I think Filoni maybe gets a little too much praise these days but I will always appreciate him fleshing out the clone troopers. In the prequels, so little time is spent with them they feel almost as robotic as the actual robots they’re fighting. By doing things like giving them names, having some have genuine

I guess I don’t really see how things being expanded later on in other series really “redeems” the flawed original. Like it’s entirely possible for one thing to better than another without the other thing really affecting the other’s quality. I get this in the sense that the prequels and its off-shoots more or less

IMO that’s what makes Visions so awesome. Without the shackles of canon, people did some amazing storytelling.

Yeah, it’s definitely a fine line. I do, sincerely, love what Filoni’s done filling in the gaps between episodes of The Saga but also love when folks like Tony Gilroy and Rian Johnson are able to play in the sandbox and do something completely different.

imo a franchise’s canon should be messy and inconsistent. Art/media means different things to different people, and Star Wars especially has a bunch of influences, ideas, and themes with no one really comprising what “makes” Star Wars. Placing that under the purview of one person who’ll then decide what Star Wars “is”

I have never once cheated

I’m asking for a second chance, because I will never do anything like this again, and I never have in the past.

Yeah smurfing is bullshit and should not be tolerated.

The Peripheral ends on a very confusing resolution to the central conflict, with a clear “here’s where we go next.” It’s entirely watchable and enjoyable as a standalone.

It feels like the “outlandish future fiction to reality” pipeline is shrinking fast. Episode one of black mirror seemed realistic but outrageous in 2011 but in 2023 I don’t think it’s a stretch to think a QAnon nut would abduct someone to force Joe Biden to fuck a pig.

I think not getting a second season/series of The Peripheral is a good thing, tbh.  You’re right in that they told the story of the first book and it didn’t end on a shitty cliffhanger - it was wrapped up very nicely (if a little messily - but then, look at the book) and it did what it did and said.  

Friendly reminder that it isn’t “The Strike” that is killing shows, it is the corporate suits who refuse to negotiate in good faith with the unions who are killing shows.

Of course the strike is gonna kill shows. It did the last time, why wouldn't it this time?

That sucks. I enjoyed both. Fortunately, both told a complete story and did not end on a cliffhanger. "The Peripheral" told the whole story of the first book, the second book is very different and probably wasn't going to be the story they told in season 2.