
Very well: do you blame the person who got hit when someone else runs a red light for not looking both ways and stopping at the intersection when they had a green light and no expectation that the moron running perpendicular to them would be talking on their cell instead of paying attention to the road?

Ever been sexually harassed in the workplace by someone who outranks you in the hierarchy, or by a client whose contract or opinion is important to your organization? Honestly, it comes as a surprise (especially to guys) when it does happen, and sometimes you just keep talking and ignore it because you want to

Yes, let us all blame the victim for "allowing" this bastard to behave in an appalling fashion. I'm sorry that the recipient did not have the wherewithal to prevent him from making a complete ass of himself. His actions, and his choices. Not her fault.

Silence and ignoring the problem never makes it go away. Crucifying the bastards who cross the line so that everyone knows that this is a socially reprehensible action and that there are consequences for violating those rules is an important part of enforcing social norms.

If you were to have such a conversation with a close female friend in the workplace who found it hilarious and inoffensive, and another coworker were to overhear you and take offense, you would be legally liable for a suit of sexual harassment and subject to no contest dismissal by most corporate harassment policies.

If you just want a general story outline, Wikipedia has some decent plot summaries for each title.

AC4 lets you jump right in. You don't need to know who the Assassins or the Templars are, because you can meet them through the protagonist, Edward. Knowing what has gone before is helpful for style and knowing how to use weapons or where the designers like to hide shortcuts, but you can learn all this with Edward.

Dude, that is a normal (for a model) healthy woman squeezed into pants that may be a touch too small for her.

Dude, that is a normal (for a model) healthy woman squeezed into pants that may be a touch too small for her.

Ugh. Along a similar vein, growing up in the American South, I hear a lot of the folks who believe in "Confederate Pride" will also tell you that "slavery wasn't so bad" or that it was "good for the blacks, who were better off before emancipation". Such willful ignorance churns my stomach.

Try being black in America sometime. You will be a lot more skeptical of the goodwill of law enforcement and their ability to discern "good" behavior from "suspicious behavior".

I want to thank you, too! Good to hear a voice from a country for which at least half lived with a police state on the Warsaw Pact side of the wall. I am pretty sure that most Germans are adamantly against ever going back to a secret police state, and anything you can do or say to remind the American public that it is

It'd be way more entertaining if they had picked Australia.

This is where you do your friend a favor and link to their article for comparison and the page views that will guarantee additional writing jobs, regardless of quality.

Having finally played the demo, I have to ask: does the animation ever get less janky? The music is almost worth the purchase of the game alone (and I will be hunting down the soundtrack for certain), but the animation frequently throws me off. I am also disappointed that the Dawn model fails to retain her silhouette

Good to read that interview. It goes a long way towards humanizing her, and demonstrates that she has always been far more than "just another pretty face". I wish her well, and suspect that she will improve the industry far more behind the scenes than she did under the spotlight.

The game is yours forever once downloaded. Still tied to the account, so if you delete it from the hard-drive, you can always download it in the future again. That said, if you terminate the account, so long as the content stays on the drive it is yours to keep.

Did you read the opening paragraph of this article? Did you look at the release link below from Microsoft?

Stupid people love to complain about stupid things.

I guess I try not to make sex my first priority. It is great when it is offered, but I am genuinely happy if I just make another new platonic friend. Over the long term, those people have filled my life with more diversity of experience than the few one-night stands. Actually, more than one of those platonic friends