
I guess I try not to make sex my first priority. It is great when it is offered, but I am genuinely happy if I just make another new platonic friend. Over the long term, those people have filled my life with more diversity of experience than the few one-night stands. Actually, more than one of those platonic friends

I guess I try not to make sex my first priority. It is great when it is offered, but I am genuinely happy if I just make another new platonic friend. Over the long term, those people have filled my life with more diversity of experience than the few one-night stands. Actually, more than one of those platonic friends

All in the approach. Which person sounds more interesting to you:

In most other industries, "crunch time" represents a complete failure of proper time management, or unrealistic expectations for actual project development time that were not revised after deadlines slipped. It is as bad as children who have not yet learned adult responsibilities pulling an "all nighter" to finish a

Amazon link to the collection? That sounds good.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

I had a buddy in college who lied about this, too. Apparently he was concerned that girls would be uninterested in him if he were sexually inexperienced, and that his male friends would not respect him if he were virginal. This was particularly strange because most of us were a bunch of desperately virginal nerds. It

Oops. Right you are. Wasn't looking at that decimal point. We agree then, on his five percent accuracy rate?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.


"Missed some history classes"? Kid?

The Rosenbergs had nothing to do with old Joe McCarthy! They got nailed and put to death as traitors because the evidence convicted them. Compelling evidence that was collected over time by hardworking counterintelligence agents! Hard data. Investigations. Interviews. Paperwork! Not specious speculation about the

I recommend pulling over at one of our nation's finest rest stops on the edge of a state park. Take a break, enjoy the scenery - and get a nap!

McCarthy was a fraud. He made unsupported claims about his fellow Americans in a transparent bid for political power. He painted his accusations with far too broad a brush, and if he managed to finger a traitor, it was purely by accident. He never had any evidence to back up his allegations, relying on manufactured

I guess we'll see now that Disney holds the reins, won't we?

Good for you.

Self-confessed trolls are a good reason why I wish that Kinja still had the option to down-vote or ignore all future posts from an individual.

I guess I'm still wondering WHY you and other people do that. How are you still ok with not being where you wanted to be?

That was my thought: aren't most game saves essentially a series of binary questions asking if one has achieved certain checkpoints and some gross descriptive statistics? This was what made Mass Effect campaign progress "portable" between games.

I am super thrilled to hear that you have an android edition coming out. Thank you so much for taking the time to go to the extra trouble to put it together and share out with your public. I hope that these efforts do not go unnoticed by future employers who look upon your artistic experiment with equal measures of