Aidan_ III: The Return

You’d be surprised how some crew members have figured out to steal bandwidth from areas of the ships communications systems.

US officials tell me the threats from Iran included “specific and credible” intelligence that Iranian forces and proxies were targeting US forces


Welp there’s your info dump as to how mutants are going to be a thing. 

I saw how they were framing the shot, how Rhaegal was flying better than before and Dany was smiling, and I knew it was going to happen. I was telling my wife they were about to off him right before he got hit by the first shot.

Have you read the history book yet? None of the Targs are that good at using their dragons except for the original Aegon and his sisters (and one of them gets her dragon shot out from under her).

I’m betting he says, “The things I do for love,” right before he does her in...

Damn, Dany might be the worst user of Dragons of all time. 

Qyburn doing the whole Mouth of Sauron thing. 

I don’t have HBO. I just hope everyone has a nice time and does their best.

I generally don’t want to be negative about art and entertainment, especially my favorite pieces. So it takes a lot for me to agree that, yeah, I didn’t like it that much. Certainly I can’t bring myself to gloss over and forgive it’s flaws the way I could Endgame.

This is my all-in bet:

Alright, so I have given this a lot of thought. And this is the only logical way it could end.

I think that they’re is going to be a small battle between the remaining Northern/Targaryean coalition, the dragons will burn most of Eurons fleet and the Golden Company will be subverted by Daario and the 2nd Sons. Jon somehow ends up as the reluctant ruler of the 7 kingdoms and restores Sam as a Lord, legitimizes

Ok, full stop here: are we all losing the plot, so to speak? How is discussing a show and theorizing on it spoiling it?

“acting like a site which was notorious for sex trafficking is some kind of great loss”

Yep, I live in the Netherlands where: 1) prostitution is legal and there are a number of social services available to sex workers; and 2) the Netherlands is one of the world’s top sex trafficking destination countries and sex trafficking is a huge problem here. The percentage of Dutch women in sex work is the minority

Agree 100% that prostitution should be legalized, regulated, and taxed just like any other therapeutic business.

I still remember one of the least popular arguments I ever made on Gawker was that the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki and his son should have been a cause for outrage on the left. Even on an extremely liberal site that opinion got attacked relentlessly. Drone strike warfare is still incredibly popular, and there is zero

The Obama administration was wrong in continuing the illegal drone strikes started by Bush. This was a lost opportunity to reinforce the moral high ground that some Americans think we have. The result has been more torture and murder with a known lying criminal like Trump. War crimes need to be prosecuted.