Aidan_ III: The Return

So a possible young Morpheus, but also with old Neo and Trinity. What if it’s the “spirits” of Neo and Trin coming back to train a reborn Morpheus, and he’s The One this time? Executing on the original concept where Sean Connery trains Will Smith.

I loved that subplot and wany it to come back too. My bet: Flayed Kali vs. Resurgent El

I also really want to know more about the Mind Flayer's nature, and by extension the Upside Down. Does one beget the other? The MF clearly has an agenda and even a personality that can be communicated to and understood by humans. How much bleed over is there between host and parasite? Also, I think it's fascinating

Definitely want more info about the other numbered psychics, and I have a strong hunch they will intersect with the Russians. My guess is they figure out psychics can open portals, but can’t make their own good enough or fast enough, so instead the Soviets capture American psychs on the lam.

From-the-hip Season 4 guesses:

Gods, give me a Squirrel Girl musical with a John Waters-esque sensibility. I want to live in a world where Doctor Doom belts out some basso profundo.

Podracing through Batuu. It seems like a cool looking and diverse environment, and you can have multiple ride tracks accessed by individual riders in their own pods.

I had a lot of misgivings all through this season, and there have been a lot of small but really noticeable missteps, but I loved this episode and what it says about everything that came before.

Just because he's honest about being from another universe doesn't mean he's being honest about his intent.

Well so much for that Rhaegal/Jon vs. Drogon/Daenerys fight I was banking on. *throws ripped up ticket in the air*

I generally don’t want to be negative about art and entertainment, especially my favorite pieces. So it takes a lot for me to agree that, yeah, I didn’t like it that much. Certainly I can’t bring myself to gloss over and forgive it’s flaws the way I could Endgame.

This is my all-in bet:

Man, wouldn’t it make more sense just to recast her? Gillian was great but it’s not like you can’t explain away why the semi-mortal avatar of an ephemeral deific concept might change now and again. This new character sounds like it’s eating the Technical Boy’s lunch.

Good. He brought that turmoil to the performance and it made the whole thing better. Luke is struggling in this movie, right up until his appearance on Crait. I hope seeing that arc and what it means for the larger story in the finished film put him at ease.

Sure. Nobody is saying he should be retried or sent to prison now. But it doesn’t erase his action from memory. Once you commit a crime like that you should accept that being a public figure is not a good choice, for you or anyone.

My guess would be that the Soul Stone is in the heart of the vibranium mountain, which they pointed out in the beginning got into the soil, plants and animals. That’s what caused the heart-shaled herb to grow.

Any suggestions on where to start reading up on this?

Finn and Rose suss out that only the Supremacy has the computational power to do the calculations.

HMM. About all that...

He projected a perfect, near-corporeal copy of himself across the galaxy, that was also capable of besting Ben in single combat. You’re right, he didn’t murderlize the entire First Order army, but that’s not what the Light side is about.