Aidan_ III: The Return

Abdul-Mateen would, as you suggest, be great in any role, but he’d be an exciting choice for a new Agent. A-M is so good at revealing the vulnerabilities in flawed or outright evil characters, able to repellent and fascinating at the same time, he’d be a good successor to Hugo Weaving.

So a possible young Morpheus, but also with old Neo and Trinity. What if it’s the “spirits” of Neo and Trin coming back to train a reborn Morpheus, and he’s The One this time? Executing on the original concept where Sean Connery trains Will Smith.

It should also be pointed out that the point of that scene, and many others in The Last Jedi, was to mock the notion that Nazis and Neo Nazis were worth anything but scorn and derision.


Uh, yeah...

Space Dad the Movie

I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts they didn’t call the mind flayer “it” specifically to keep people from theorizing that he is from the Stephen King universe.

I bet the girl that can make you see things appears and tells Eleven the others have been disappearing. And she doesn’t want to help in the beginning, but tries and gets her powers back. Then she realize Dad-Cop is alive as well. So they travel to Russia against the adults say-so.

My personal theory is that the Mind Flayer is one incarnation of a Multiversal Evil that plagues countless universes.

I loved that subplot and wany it to come back too. My bet: Flayed Kali vs. Resurgent El

I also really want to know more about the Mind Flayer's nature, and by extension the Upside Down. Does one beget the other? The MF clearly has an agenda and even a personality that can be communicated to and understood by humans. How much bleed over is there between host and parasite? Also, I think it's fascinating

Definitely want more info about the other numbered psychics, and I have a strong hunch they will intersect with the Russians. My guess is they figure out psychics can open portals, but can’t make their own good enough or fast enough, so instead the Soviets capture American psychs on the lam.

We maybe one of the few who like El’s Chicago friends. I want next season to focus more on them also.

Yeah man, watch that scene again. I think the Brothers deliberately made that happen to make the audience think Hopper would be doomed. After he threw the Russian into the machine and all those blue sparks started to fly about, I knew the only way he could escape was through the riff. Or he is still in the Upside Down

That part in ep. 4 where the newspaper guy kicks the desk? He 4th-wall knocked the camera into Dutch angles!

From-the-hip Season 4 guesses:

“The American” at the end is a teleported Hopper, right? After all, no (remnants of a) body, no death.

I had a lot of misgivings all through this season, and there have been a lot of small but really noticeable missteps, but I loved this episode and what it says about everything that came before.

What if I have a magical bedazzled glove?

How is it a cop-out? If someone went back in time and killed hitler of course it wouldn’t change their original timeline, otherwise there would be no inciting event for them to travel back in time to. The branching realities created by affecting the past is the only possible way to avoid the grandfather paradox. The