Aidan_ III: The Return

As someone who never cared about Star Wars (didn’t even see the original trilogy till I was 16 or 17, so I don’t have that childhood nostalgia factor), what I liked most about Rogue One was that it kind of...zoomed in on the scope of the series’ main conflict and showed you why the fight mattered to the random people

In the first version of the screenplay, some lived, only because Gareth Edwards assumed he wouldn’t get away with killing everybody. Ultimately, Kathleen Kennedy agreed that it made sense to kill everybody.

I think he is saying that they were going to all die originally, it just didn’t work the way it was set up because there was no reason given that they should be sacrificing themselves. I’m picturing a fun star wars plot with jokes until the end, and then everyone dies, which would not work.

“Because you sort of go, ‘Oh this is a movie where, folks, just look—everyone is going to die.’

Krasinski has been training for non-verbal communication for YEARS

A majority of this movie was filmed in my hometown of Pawling, New York. I am not really into horror but I think I will check this out.

It’s *more* intense than a newborn dying?

Not quite. It’s a bit more intense than that.

The film opens with an event that inspires overwhelming sympathy for the entire family.

... It’s not a metaphor.

Yeah, nobody really is. Most of us would prefer to see fewer people get shot because police officers interpret dark skin tone as an imminent threat and imagine weapons to go with it.

Rule number 1: tell the cops you’re not black. That might buy you some time to get out of gunshot range.

Just follow these simple rules to not be shot if you are black. Don’t: stand, sit, lay down, kneel, crawl, walk, run, be still, have things in their hands, have empty hands, have hands behind your back, have hands clearly in front of you, have hands behind your head, look directly at the police, look away from the

As I interpret the new wording of the law, an officer could have a taser drawn and, if rushed as in the Tueller Drill, fire his taser, right? Of course, officers won’t want to draw their tasers in case the suspect has a gun, so they draw their guns first and that’s why they end up shooting, assuming that they’re even

I don’t know. 15, maybe 20.

Yeah, she needs to appeal to the rest of the demographic outside of NYC if she is really going to get anywhere.

I am going to say the same thing for Nixon’s campaign that I said for Hillary’s run: It is her race to lose. Don’t underestimate her opponent even for a moment.

She’s got a chance, maybe even a better than even odds kind of chance, but saying

If a cop could get full pay for a do-nothing job and all he had to do was shoot someone, every single cop would shoot someone on the first day.

Nah, all we have to do is make any unlawful death payouts come out of the police pension fund instead of the general fund. Cops will immediately start policing their own if their money was on the line.