Enjoyed this comment, thank you.
This year instead of a turkey my family is cooking and eating a dog, covered in dog gravy. A nice fat dog we’ve been plumping up to eat.
Motherfucker please. You wanna bro down with the working class, you’ll need to remember that shit when we’re talking about progressive taxation, education spending, minimum wage laws, and unions, or you can get back to sucking that 1% dick like you do the other 364 days of the year.
You really don’t see the problem with asking a colleague in a professional situation if they’ll watch you masturbate? He has power over the careers/opportunities these women are exposed to. Do you do that at work? Walk into the lunch room and ask the first woman you see if she’ll look at your dick?
Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!
Seriously. The answer isn’t to avoid being alone with women. The answer is to be able to be alone with a woman without acting like a creep.
Any guy scared enough to be adopting the Mike Pence rule is a guy who needs to adopt the Mike Pence rule. Let them tell on themselves.
Yes. You’re saying that American movies are Exceptional in their polish and craftsmanship. I’d say that’s probably true in terms of shiny boom boom movies, but nothing else. Are you wanting Michael Bay to reboot the Transformers series with a POC lead?
Do you have Netflix or Amazon Prime? There are literally endless Korean, Indian, Nigerian, Japanese and Turkish movies to choose from. Some of them have big budgets, and some don’t. But, they’re out there.
“I remember one woman saying, ‘What makes these people think that all we want to do is see the same white actors or actresses on screen?’ To hear that reaction really confirmed for me what the audience wanted.”
“Trump’s New Children” has a sorta spot-on ring about it, eh?
And at least Rob Ford had the decency to die.
What a brave woman. Not that I’d want to spend any time with a person like Rusty, but I’m glad someone did just so we can understand why he does what he does. We may not agree with his actions (I certainly don’t), but I appreciate that someone took the time to find out WTF Rusty’s damage is in case it can be fixed.
If you see an ICE vehicle, slash its tires.
Nothing says, “strong political movement” like having to march covertly and leave before anyone really notices that you were there.
I’m from Seattle. Two things:
Molon Labe my sex toys.
I know. 1945 Rothschild?! Monsters. That stuff tastes like Hitler’s piss.
Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.