My 1987 Wagoneer is definitely a crossover. It’s an XJ.
My 1987 Wagoneer is definitely a crossover. It’s an XJ.
The progenitor of this car class is, I think, the AMC Eagle: a 4wd station wagon with a somewhat higher ground clearance.
I wouldn’t. It’s very much a fortified Audi wagon in my book. But what do I know?
Yeah my E34 has been sitting in my driveway for a few months now because of a single gasket that lets oil leak on the exhaust and make my car look like it’s on fire in traffic. It’s one fucking gasket. I used to not think twice about doing an engine swap over a weekend, back when I didn’t have to work so damn much.
I think it’s important to note that people can’t expect to land a job in a STEM field with just the swanky piece of paper anymore. Ever since “STEM” got its name, people have flocked to those degrees and now industries are flooded with unqualified candidate who have a STEM degree.
Remember all that change stuff from 8 years ago? Yeah, America didn’t change that much did it?
And, frankly, I think an LMP-E could actually work, and soon.
I think that over the past few years, Republican rhetoric has just become so unhinged and unabashedly batshit that people forget there was a point when Republican vs. Democrats was truly a matter of economic/welfare policies. Then family values and culture wars got dragged into it and now here we are.
I don’t know. Weld particularly just seems like the kind of old school republican that was marginalized by the tea party. He’s a Rockefeller republican. I’ve been making fun of libertarianism since before most commenters were born and I generally agree with you but the GOP is currently so batshit that I can see why…
I’m pretty sure that the people with political science degrees are not the one’s causing our current problems. It tends to be the people who don’t understand how or why government works and the role of civilized politics in that process that are embarrassing us all.
30 years ago I was a political science major in college. This election makes me kind of ashamed of that.
I wish! Not that one, a project 3.0 fell in my lap here at the shop. Seriously trying to figure out how to buy and store it.
I mean this in the nicest way possible: Please don’t have children.
Maybe? Why have a car blog, and thus, car blog people based in a city where driving is a gigantic nightmare? It's not like they need to be in NYC. Shit, from what I can tell David lives in a tent in a driveway somewhere in middle America.
Actually, I’m proud to announce that as of this morning, all three of my XJs run and drive (I just swapped an engine into my once-hydrolocked red XJ).
They function, and they’re well-maintained (assuming body rust isn’t considered a maintenance item).
You’re essentially getting a brand new, hand-built car and a piece of American motoring heritage at the same time with one of these. The closest analogy I can think of here in Europe is our very own Morgan Plus 8 and, whilst a nice car, that thing doesn’t even remotely compare to the Cobra. Perhaps a Singer is closer…
In that situation, I place responsibility completely on myself to get around him in the most efficient way possible. He actually got a good run out of the corner (because he didn’t have a car beside him), so he really didn’t hold me up, nor did I hold him up. That’s the ebb and flow of multi-class racing. Gotta work…