Anthony Miller

Seems legit.

So your counterpoint to all of the things wrong with this car is that it’s good off road...
...which is literally the one thing that pretty much NONE of these vehicles will ever do.


The funny thing though is those people actually think a frame is tougher, but its benefits are actually because its more flexible.

There’s a flip side to this, too: Honda’s not going to de-throne the full sized american pickup. They know that.

I never appreciated how sprawling the LA Metro area is until I saw it from Griffith Observatory. It is a city that spans the horizons.

Counterpoint: there’s no single, right way to enjoy cars. I have a ton of problems with the vintage car collection scene, but the idea that a bunch of people dedicated to preserving some of the best examples of automotive excellence aren’t an authentic car experience is ridiculous.

Neutral: I could write a paper on this because I’ve been screaming about it for so long. Luxury used to mean the same thing it still means with heirlooms, like jewelry, furniture, etc: Something that is expensive, well built, and will last a long time and rarely (if ever) go out of style. But at some point about 20

I’d ask “Which one would you take?” but I already know the answer.

Different approach, but a damn good idea. RV’s and Supercars make for a pretty awesome combo.

Officially fair and balanced

I assumed they were referring to Máté, who was actually Hungarian.

You won’t believe what your favorite childhood celebs look like now!

Ran when walled up. I know what I have! No lowballers. Willing to trade for a couple fridges (trust me, this nickname will catch on) or maybe a cask of Amontillado. Ring 01 3 50743 313599 057 and ask for Pierre.

Remember that high school game when you threw three touchdowns

yes! still have it, too