Yep, the kakistocracy is strong.
Yep, the kakistocracy is strong.
Assault threats direct to a US Senator isn’t an imminent threat, but a toddler without papers at the border is. What a time to be alive.
He seems to have spellcheck enabled?
This is real thing. Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack. PRAY for our Vegas police. PRAY for victims. VERY bad. Awful.
Non-hypocrisy isn’t really one of a gopper’s major strengths...
I hope Susan Collins realizes that the people who are flooding her office with rape and death threats are the same people who support the party she’s a member of.
Yeah, there’s no way I’m listening to Trump any more than is necessary.
Ugh. You again.
Ha! Fuck ‘em.
This may seem tangential but I think it relates. I had an amusing and frustrating argument with a Sanders supporter who keeps flogging this article by Intercept writer Briahana Gray.
More than any president in history? More than FDR?
“5) You live in a bad neighborhood and have to join a gang and steal to survive.”
Hi and go fuck yourself :D
What an astute and on-topic response!
Like truth and lies have bearing to these people?
Fuck-Babies in Pizza Shop Basements are playing at the Odeon on Friday. Doors at 7, show at 8.
God, how I long for the halcyon days when Hillary Clinton was just killing her own people to protect herself from scandal instead of selling all those fuck-babies in pizza shop basements.
Not surprising. Clinton conspiracy theories WAS mainstream conservatism in the 1990's. By the end of the decade, most of the conservatives who didn’t want to toe this particular line were retired or noticeably less influential. You couldn’t really be a conservative in good standing with that movement and NOT be all…