Ahab Van Cleef

You’ve been looking for an excuse? Who needs an excuse. Eat it boy, it’s good for you.

I dusted mine off recently for Inside, but this double whammy of goodness has me all kinds of happy.

You’re my hero, Robert Yang. Keep reaching for that rainbow xxx

Hey you, I still play Mega Man now and it’s still awesome. That’s not nostalgia, my dear.

A stone cold favourite of both me and the wife. The ending almost always makes me cry. Genuine classic.

“This weekend, the Adult VR Festa got underway in Tokyo, and lots of peoples came.”

My company pays out shit like that regularly. We have two separate terminologies for the monies, specifically “distress and inconvenience” and “loss of enjoyment”.

It’s two months <shrugs>. I genuinely don’t understand when people go ape shit over minor delays like this. It’s like Uncharted 4 being delayed for two weeks all over again. Just go play something else whilst you’re waiting. I dunno about other people but my backlog is huge.

I was going to attempt to write something witty, but wheres the bloody point after your excellence <hangs head in shame>

Haha, I still have a copy of that somewhere. I can honestly say that reading that as a kid I thought it was incredible. Hell, I got some of my best pick up lines from that Oscar Wilde shit.

Nails. I managed to master through on Ultra Violence but I very much doubt I could ever manage Nightmare on one life.

I would argue painfully slow is an exaggeration. Unless you’re on amphetaminea, in which case may I have some?

“Raise your hand if you thought “Physics do not work like that” every time he’d leap across a chasm and grab the edge of a nearby cliff without breaking all of his fingers.”

Starts trailer.

Why is Drake wearing for a corset? Is he finally at that point in his years where he’s open to trying new things?

I love the avatar by the way, there’s definitely not enough FLCL in this world.

I think the real reason, and this is a conclusion I have reached following extensive investigation and fact finding, is that Phil Fish is a whiny bitch.

How the fucking fuck are Fruit Loops in the shit tier?! Fruit Loops are the bomb! I DEMAND A RECOUNT!

To each his own, but I’ve been having a ton of fun with this game. I had the controls down pat by the end of the second level and now it feels really intuitive <shrugs>.