Ahab Van Cleef

Is she wearing any undies with that dress? She’ll want to be careful, one gust of strong wind and we’d all see her noo-noo!

Whereabouts in Wales was this? I only ask because I’m Welsh!

Godammnit. I fired up Trauma Centre recently and noticed that I’ve still got a digital copy of Pokémon Snap sat on my Wii dashboard, being quietly neglected and forgotten about. I never could get on with the analogue sticks on the VC pads, they always felt too loose.

It is indeed. I’m a fan of both services but ps+ has been at a bit of a low point for a while now. Hopefully friendly competition will benefit us all in the long run.

I love comics. I love comic book movies, both DC and Marvel. But the trailers for this film do absolutely nothing for me. It just looks like Zack has crammed a TON of stuff into one picture and set it on fire, in the hope that the ‘splosions will gloss over a tepid story.

Is Resi 6 really that bad though? It’s been on my PS3 hard drive for years but I’ve never gotten around to it. I mean, a new Resi with a shiny coat of paint... How bad can that be?

I preorder from psn to get beta access all the time. I just make sure there’s no money in the account where the payment is to be taken from, and come release day the preorder gets cancelled. Win.

Aaaahhh, nude Uno. I had the pleasure of owning one of those awful cameras, and my mates and I spent more than a few drunken hours playing this little gem online. The games always got more interesting when a fourth “Rando” would turn up with his junk out. Happy times.

I honestly couldn’t care less about the box art, as long as the game is fun I’ll be happy <shrugs>

My auntie has watched every single episode of Corrie for the past 30 years. She nearly missed one once and had a seizure. She’s also a hardcore Osmonds fan and converted to mormonism. Thanks for listening.

Not if I buy them all first!!!

This was my first ever N64 game, and it cost £67.99. £67.99 people! Thats around $120!!!

I concur. After having a SMM binge recently I went back and revisited 1, 2, 3 and Lost Levels on my 3DS, and 2 is still one my absolute favourites. The music is brilliant, and it still plays well. A big part of me still hopes that Wart and his crew get brought out of mothballs at some point, if anything because it’d

Exactly. Also see tépu for tape and téburu for table. See kids, learning is fun!

I believe lobsters are also immortal, but for my own private reasons that I’ll decline to share here.

That’s amazing. I used to catch newts as a nipper, but if I ever saw one of those bad boys I probably would have sh*t myself.

That’s exactly the reason why (for me at least), +2 points for you. That, and the way they structure sentences is very mechanical. Well, in my opinion it is. Once you understand the way things are structured its just practice, practice, practice. A lot of Japanese words are also their English counterparts, but simply

I can vouch for this, I have an A level in Japanese and its way easier than French, German or Welsh.

Wait, what? The back my cats head smells like motor oil. And it’s not even a robot, which would explain a whole bunch.

Now playing

My respect to thee, good sir. On the subject of ol’ Basil, I tend to listen to this particular beauty whilst I’m getting ready for a night on the town!