No butter on that toast I hope, got to watch my cholesterol.
I saw Pee Wee’s Big Adventure in the theater back in the 80's. One of the first movies my parents let me to go by myself.
Joseph Gordon Levitt is the next Tom Hanks
Thanks for explaining. I was born in 1971, so I was the same age as the boys in season 1 and 2. Every reference I notice is a thrill, even if it’s something as small as a video camera.
In the 80's all you needed was a bandanna to heal all wounds.
I totally want to be friends with that guy
Don’t bogart that Kit-Kat, man.
So shines a good deed in a weary world
I guess another tip would don’t try to emulate your heroes since you may be accused of copying them.
Once caveat to that rule, they HAVE to dress up. Don’t come knocking on my door at 8/9/10pm with a pillowcase for your haul expecting to fill it because you can drive from block to block all night and get a fuck ton of candy, while spraying your friends with shaving cream dressed in sweatshirt, jeans, and a lame…
I got an 84/85 Toyota Camry Hatchback for my HS graduation 89, called it Turtle because of the shape. The fact Bob drove one further cements that I was a Goonie since I was 12 years old in 1983 when ST season 1 starts.
It’s not a kids movie, but it ran on cable a lot during the 80's and I would watch it often.
Write, DON’T edit. Make spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, just get the words out :) Later on, make corrections.
During a summer vacation, I must have spent 30 dollars on Cliff Hanger, never could beat the ninjas
I watched a promo for MTVs That 90's House (real world but they have to pretend its the 90s) Every single one of them was trying way too hard to be real.