Ag Obair
Now playing

The phone in the blender is a reference to Sixteen Candles party scene

Kushner is Paul Allen though.


It’s a forking great show.

I meant that when a person sneezes, they should say excuse me.

I’ve said this before, I wouldn’t be surprised if 45 actions are designed to make America weaker everywhere possible and then he’ll defect.

Now playing

Sneezing is the same as burping, and farting. Yet no one says bless you when I let those rip, even when they’re better than his

My flirting ability

Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a chicken? is perfect in that regard since you can be social for as long the activity is then go back to your life.

I like to think Kristen isn’t acting, just letting us see the real her.

The break up scene was my favorite part! If only I was as astute as Holden I wouldn’t have been the dumpee for many a relationship.

I’m rarely without English muffins ;)

If you can find cinnamon bread without raisins then you’re set!

Pizza on a Saltine or do you mean the English Muffin Pizza?

When I was in elementary school, my mom would make cream cheese and jelly sammiches on cinnamon raisin bread.

I keep a list of sites and passwords and taking a cue from Lifehacker, I go through them and cancel services/subscriptions that I haven’t used in a while.

Fixed the title for you :)