Ag Obair

If you’re not happy with what you have now, then what makes you think you’ll be happy with more?

They said it was a weather balloon.

Let’s hope we get the alternate ending where Jack and Rose are on the door together!

He approves

Thanks for confirming.

As I read the article, I thought the reason they keep us arguing about climate change is to keep us distracted from the truth that it is real and we’re already so fucked.

Does it get cold enough to snow in Atlanta?

Mostly I could smell the cranberries.

  • Gluten Free Stuffing Mix: It had a very off-putting smell that was not—to me—an identifiable food smell. I don’t even remember what it tasted like, so overwhelming was the smell.

Rick was in a coma for at least a month before he woke up. I don’t remember if Lori carried her to full term before her death.

I’d love to sit at the edge and enjoy the sound of the wind and water

As someone who works in television, I can’t tell how many of those shows actually exist.

Dan Harmon’s method

I wonder if Discovery Channel is going to keep running repeats of the original?

I agree with you but watching people do math is about as exciting as watching people do math.