Psh not with Super Hulu no-ads 4k Premium or whatever the highest tier is I’m paying $11.99 a month for. I haven’t seen an ad in months. My parents describe some new funny Geico animals to me and I have zero concept what they’re talking about.
Psh not with Super Hulu no-ads 4k Premium or whatever the highest tier is I’m paying $11.99 a month for. I haven’t seen an ad in months. My parents describe some new funny Geico animals to me and I have zero concept what they’re talking about.
279 episodes where we were all brought to the verge of laughter!
I am so old. So very old and tired. Aside from the obvious disgust and hope for justice to be served, my elderly brain still cannot process how to pronounce this wanker’s name, and is yet flummoxed at how one arrives at such a specific look, while still managing to appear so accidentally attired. Everything about him…
My cat needs daily Shoulder Flop Time. But only the left shoulder. He’s very particular.
So...are we done with the Kardashian worship around here? They’re bullshit and any pseudo female empowerment they sell is bullshit and privilege gift wrapped with internalized misogyny and cultural appropriation.
By that logic the game would never have any sales because someone eventually has to be the one that buys it and make the negative review.
But those users had to expose themselves to cryptojacking malware in order to warn you about the cryptojacking malware. Valve are essentially requiring customers to take all the risks, put in all the work and test their products for them.
Not nearly enough people are applauding MoviePass for taking venture capitalists’ money and using it to buy movie tickets for anyone who wants one.
I’m sure they’re nice people, and clearly their careers are working out for them, but the two lead actors (Holloway and Callies) are just not good. Their delivered lines are as awkward as their tortured approximations of human emotion. Like, I can see thought bubbles above them at all times that say “hmmm, I’ll do the…
Man, I hope one day TV creatives find a way to add a “wrap it up” clause into their contracts. Something that forces the responsible people to tell showrunners early enough if their show is cancelled or, in case there wasn’t enough time, gives them the chance to shoot one or two more episodes to end the story.
I like how half her detractors are attacking her for not keeping quiet and the other half are attacking her for keeping quiet.
Honestly this whole post sounds like the type of veiled threat that professional women put up with constantly, where they’re told in the most condescending terms possible that if they push back against sexism or harassment, they’ll suffer for it. “Sure, you could stand up for yourself and demand to be treated with…
Having rewatched it as an adult I was struck by how fucked up the man-woman relations are in “The Crate.”
“The women are biased and men are impartial.”
Fuck that horseshit.
Lol, right, cause the straight white male viewpoint is bias-free! Oh, Joey. You are a real kidder!
Dear MRA chucklefucks: The reason these establishments have to offer discounts and other incentives for women to show up, is to compensate them in some small way for the indignities they will inevitably suffer from the likes of you.