
Lieu can't be president. He was born in Taiwan.

Except that it’s the opposite. Darker furred cats have more protein in their saliva, as do unneutered/unspayed cats, as do male cats. So, a black, unneutered male cat would be the worst for allergies, while a white, spayed female cat would be least offensive (not accounting for certain breeds like hairless).

All of that sounds fucking awful. Will never give them a dime of my money.

Yes, sounds like he is in the closet and wanted sexting with men.

For the love of God, will someone please give Norman Reedus a bath and a haircut? He's been rocking that dirtbag look for years now, it's heinous.

Looks alot like an alt-righter to me.

The list of things I've heard now contains everything.

FFS stop making garbage people rich and famous... and president.

Did you know 8% of black voters voted for Trump? And 29% of Hispanic voters?By your logic, I guess this is the America black and hispanic people wanted, too.

This kind of rhetoric is harmful to everybody. But worst of all, it’s not true. You are either being willfully dishonest to be sensational, or you are so frustrated with your perceived powerlessness that you just want to make all white people the enemy.

Gah, so deliciously bad. My stomach cant’t handle it anymore so I will just have to rely on the memories of summertime heavy metal concerts followed by greasy cheeseburgers and Disco Fries at one of New Jersey's many fine diners.

Nah, there was always at least one order of Disco Fries for the table.

Stop. Just stop with the “only presenting one side of the argument” thing and “white people are evil” POV. if you bothered to do even a minimum amount of research you would see that there’s been a lot of problems with the Muslim immigrant population in Denmark.

No one ever said that you baiting piece of crap.

Might I ask, from what Christian dogma do you gather your belief that a fetus is a baby? I ask because I was raised Roman Catholic and it’s quite clear in the Old Testament that God breathes life and spirit jnto the child AFTER birth.

Nice angle on this story. Kind of a little like victim-blaming. I mean, let’s not blame the majority party who has the Presidency, and control of the House and Senate.

Was looking forward to this show for awhile. Checked out a few episodes yesterday - it is GARBAGE.

Whoa, whoa. Zimmer was never tried, right? This was all told after her death? Read this and then see how you feel about mother, daughter, and the accusations.