
Oh, totally! I still, occasionally, make them at home. :)

Female what? Do you mean women, by any chance? Woman, pl. women, is a perfectly good noun to describe female adult humans. Female is primarily an adjective. It can be used as a noun to represent the human female, but when that is done, it is often done to belittle and demean. Please dont do it.

Hell, he went so far as to SABOTAGE her fundraiser by claiming that she had exaggerated her injuries. I hope like hell she sues his estate and gets all she can.

Exactly. And if XXXTiddledick was actually truly changing and trying to change. Like so many of you stans in the greys were so concerned about. That girl would not have had to get on go fund me to pay for her eye surgery. He would take that money and pay for it. And pay for her housing and therapy, education and what

One word: MACY’S

Well, all those monsters have run into Abbot and Costello, so they do have that shared experience

I do not much care for Lena Dunham. As far as I know, I have never watched a thing she’s ever done. I don’t believe she’s doing the right thing here.

But. As far as I can see, there are three headlines on former Gawker sites dedicated to her defense of Murray Miller regarding this incident and not a single headline

No, he doesn’t need to step down over this. Not yet.

I loathe what Franken did, but for everyone crowing for his resignation: he can resign right after the rapist Trump does.

No he doesn’t. He can resign when and if Trump resigns. I don’t want to throw women under the bus but there has to be a level of pragmatism and response commensurate to the “crime.” Public flagellation, censure, fine. But resign? No, the Minnesota voters will decide next time he’s up for election. And if the Senate

step down?

Step down? For this??????? Are you high?

Thank you! Immediate calls for resignation because of one incident that we do not have all of the details about is ridiculous. He’s not even touching her body in the photo, there’s kevlar and a two-inch plate between his fingertips and her actual boobs.

You really think this is so egregious that he needs to resign over it? I’m sorry I just don’t agree.

So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.

That’s because Gen X’s gateway drug was cutting sarcasm and caffeine, before we moved onto bitter irony and heroin. Jesus. Kids today.

I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

And you’re giving us Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, so that’s extra unfair!

I'm giving you a star, because I love dissenters. Also, I don't give a damn who Xena gets her bliss on with. Frankly, I'm tired of so much explicit sex on TV (I'm thinking of GoT which is awful for so many reasons. if 'outraged' viewers are not getting off on those rape scenes then I have a bridge to...). I'm not a