I personally don’t feel like your boobs should ever be spilling out the top of your bra, but that’s just me.
I personally don’t feel like your boobs should ever be spilling out the top of your bra, but that’s just me.
Hasn’t she been pretty vocal about not being interested in having kids, though? Seems like the guy she married would know that and not have secret desires to start a family. Although it certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone has married someone they hoped would completely change as a person, so who knows.
You might want to give that another pass with your logic helmet on, pal.
Seriously. Her apology is so bullshit. “That thing that I just did that can in no way be construed as anything but rude and bit his totally not me! I’m so nice! (Except when I’m clearly being a dick.)“
I’m seeing the swirly man from the opening credits of the X-Files
I would have a *very* hard time not reenacting the scene from Girl, Interrupted where Winona screams “you’re already dead” at her
I missed them last time they were on tour, but nothing will keep me away this time!
Holy shit fuuuuuuck those people!
I didn’t realize how much I wanted this to be a thing until I saw this headline, but I already feel really invested in it!
Ugh trying to walk that fine, fine line between barfing and successfully holding down enough ibuprofen to not feel like I’m dying = the WORST
That’s part of the charm!
If I owned that dress, I would wear it every single day, everywhere.
I literally would’ve jumped straight out no matter how fast the truck was going NOPE NOPE NOPE
I Googled Alex whatsit and there are zero results for this sanctuary that don’t include this Instagram comment. So, he doesn’t run a sanctuary, but he does have a bunch of lions and tigers. Seems legit!
I agree with you 100% but I still got really excited and yelled “Magua!” at my TV when Wes Studi came out of the shadows.
Local man also does not understand evolution!
That bust is very Regency, but I feel like some of her bobs are just...missing? Like it doesn’t all seem to add up.