
Men: create a system of toxic masculinity that allows them to commit violence towards women and affords them all sorts of advantages over us for literal centuries

I guess a bunch of TV actors were

I don’t think anyone thinks Jared Leto is *still* hot, because he is objectively gross. Any lingering attraction to Jared Leto is actually just nostalgia over Jordan Catalano, the best worst boyfriend in history.

My guess is that for a long time, Jared Leto had that very pretty, vaguely feminine while still boyish thing that appeals to pre-teen straight girls who are just starting to like boys. It’s an attractiveness that is non-threatening when you aren’t yet sure what you like but can identify markers of what you have been

Yeah, Leto looks like he’d be pretty ripe...oh, you mean the donkeys.

Yes, this was all on the same shoot, the one for Suicide Squad where he played the Joker. To be clear, this was supposedly part of his preparation for the role, and I haven’t heard anything to make me think he usually behaves like this on set. That being said, I’m firmly of the opinion that actors whose interpretation

I am a straight women totally fine with objectifying men and can tell you neither Leto nor Hamm do a thing for me. Not Pitt. not ledger on and one. I’m trying to think of one actor who is “ hot” and can’t even.

I’m normally the first to condemn any project involving Jared Leto, but I think this is a great idea.

How about him sitting in the passenger seat telling you all about his process for becoming the role of the Joker and then spending some time reenacting all his lines from the movies with commentary as to which ones were cut and which ones weren’t? I suspect it would be a series of short car trips with different people

I know I’m a lesbian, but damnit I was hella closeted for years (and dated dudes), and I legit cannot see the appeal of Jared Leto. Even remotely. He looks like he’s cosplaying Charles Manson.

Question: Jared says “I may jump on a donkey in the Grand Canyon or take a hot air balloon. I got the gear.”

Soooooooo thiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrsty...

This is going to end badly for Leto, when he dies of dehydration on the side of the road at his starting point.

‘Jussi’. He certainly is.

On the one hand, I am a Missourian who just penciled in “beat up Jared Leto,” so I can’t really criticize your instincts. But I suspect a truck stop on I-70 is where Leto’s big mouth would be most welcome.

Addendum: Some pregnant ladies are very “proud” of how slim they are during pregnancy. Its like “see this little bump here? Its because I have great will power and do not eat cream puffs and therefore can show off my adorable slightly pregnant looking body”. And after the birth “look at me, just had a baby and already

I am not a medical doctor but, judging from how long the media has been covering this story, Kylie should be about 28 months pregnant by now. So, shouldn’t it be more obvious? Or in pre-school?

Woah. It didn’t even occur to me (white privilege, ugh, goddammit). It was a terrible reference from The League. Thanks for pointing this out to my ignorant ass, the phrase has been deleted from my vocabulary from now forward. I am so embarrassed that it never even occurred to me how racist that was. Again, ignorant

I sure hope not, because that would be a really fucking racist thing to say.

Yes! I lost serious pounds from post-break-up "too sad to eat" depression. By the next time I saw my ex and his best friend, I was feeling strong and looking hot. The best friend said "Dayum, girl! You lost a shit-ton of weight!" To which I replied (while holding eye-contact with the ex), "Yeah, I had a 180-pound