
I’d accept it and then put it straight on ebay and use the money for something much better. Many somethings.

I didn’t say they were. My point was that people working in sweatshops probably feel the same way about my £10 purse as I do about Leo’s mom’s $18k purse.

Someone needs to come for both their fillers.

Way harsh, Tai.

OK I know wealth is relative and probably people who make 6 can’t an hour in sweatshops would call me a hypocrite buuuuut...

Truly heartbreaking.

He got bored?! Oh the poor precious thing! What a horror! What bravery and fortitude to make it through two whole months of occasional boredom!

I feel like I really need more details about this

Huh. You’d think I would’ve caught that, I read it so many times to my niece, I could recite the entire thing from memory.

Sad for your husband that the book Madeleine was clearly not a part of his childhood!

I knowww, he seems like such a chill and intelligent dude so I really hope he’s not just going around assaulting Bernie supporters :/


I wouldn’t mind putting it to the test in this case. Just want to see for myself!

This seems like an incredibly well structured and reasonable experiment that is definitely based on scientific principles and also reality. I don’t see what could possibly go wrong.

I don’t think he thinks they’ll just roll over and take the first deal he offers, buy while they’re going back and forth about it, Tyrion & Co. have a bit of time and room to plan, and the sons of the harpy won’t be torching everything.

I’m holding off on judging Tyrion because I have a feeling he is Up To Something beyond what he laid out in the meeting with the wise masters. I think he’s just using the 7 years time line to buy them some time to plot. And I have a real strong suspicion those women he gave as “gifts” have secret orders to spy &/or

I’m not sure the show can support two totally hideous women’s hair situations at once.

I love the High Sparrow’s sad party story bc it’s so perfectly narcissistic. I had a party and it gave me existential ennui so I left all my things - even my shoes! - behind and never washed again.

Sorry but these people clearly don’t care about their animal. Letting a farm dog roam free is one thing, but this is clearly a different situation, and one that is demonstrably unsafe.