I feel like the Supreme Court just ruled that refusing to serve people because we disagree with their beliefs is exactly what we can do. If this is what they fought for, then this is what they get.
I feel like the Supreme Court just ruled that refusing to serve people because we disagree with their beliefs is exactly what we can do. If this is what they fought for, then this is what they get.
And yet you have no problem working for a man who signed an executive order to protect “religious liberties” to allow so-called “Christians” to deny service to anyone they don’t like (also known as people of color and those who are LGBTQIA). Of all the lies that have spewed forth from your vile mouth, “I always do my…
Hannity did something filthy, right?
I genuinely don’t understand both the “forcibly kissed” and “groped” parts of the Franken story. The photo is goddamn stupid, but doesn’t show contact so isn’t groping - fucking insulting and demeaning, yes, but not sexual assault.
Franken: scripts a kiss, rehearses the kiss, scene partner objects to extent of kiss
Proud to say I voted straight Democrat ticket in Virginia today; hope enough others did as well to make Northam our next governor.
It’s almost like the swamp isn’t being drained or something.
Rick Santorum just needs to choke on some Santorum.
First we blame the obstructionist Democrats, then blame the Republicans who “betrayed” their own party, then blame Obama for creating the mess, then blame the DISHONEST MEDIA for not reporting about the millions of people who die of Obamacare every day, then blame Clinton for something.
McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.
“Berenstein Bears”
Channing Tatum as Captain America understood that reference.
If it makes you feel better on the Berenstein Bears Earth President Biden is working on wrapping up peace in the Middle East. Something he has been able to focus on in his first term after President Gore stopped the massive terrorist attack bin Laden was planning and President Obama handled global climate change.
Massachusetts is now a sanctuary state. Come at us, asshole.
Ironically Obama is the only reason Trump has anything to hang his hat as President.
The part that pisses me off to no end is that they are blaming Democrats for the ACA having troubles when REPUBLICANS (more specifically, Marco fucking Rubio) are the ones who kneecapped the legislation in the first place.
The Joker isn’t racist. Nor does he hate Jews. Also does not like Nazis. So yes #PresidentBannon is worse than the Joker.
Real simple
Ellie and I had to guess whether the quote was from a villain like The Joker, or a guy like Steve Bannon,
[January 22, 2017: Donald Trump Jr. tries to slash a Jackson portrait in the Oval Office. Bannon blocks his box cutter with his cane.]