
I remember in 1995, when Hillary was derided for calling the vast right wing conspiracy a vast right wing conspiracy.

I think the most hilarious thing about the “tapes/no tapes” thing is that 45 (inadvertently, obviously) pretty much made sure that no one questioned Comey’s testimony. Because Comey (and the general public) were under the impression that there were tapes of their conversation, Comey now had incentive not to lie about

Also, sooo, does this mean we don’t have to see Trump on camera any more?

Uhh, Steve? I think there is an adage about stones and glass houses that applies to you here...

Stein is not losing any sleep over what might have been—in her telling, Clinton wouldn’t have been much better. “There are differences between Clinton and Trump, no doubt, but they’re not different enough to save your life, to save your job, to save the planet,” she says. “We deserve more than two lethal choices.”

“No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Next you’re going to see Jay Sekulow attempt to insist that when Trump was referring to a “witch hunt” it had nothing to do with the special counsel’s activities and was actually in response to the constant accusations of night-dancing and crop-sabotage leveled at Trump by Goody Pritchard.

It’s also oddly implying that Obama and Hillary are the leaks? How would that even work, when the leaks come from the Trump people?

That cartoon is so fucking creepy. They’re drawn the paunchy orange old man to look like a Nazi propaganda poster. Taking a wrench to crying, disembodied (minority) heads...Jesus. That’s probably what the inside of a Trunp voter’s head looks like.

Aside from the fact that Trump is hiring people who obviously are completely unqualified for the jobs that he is hiring them for, what the hell is that cartoon? I mean content aside, does anyone think that Donald is that physically fit? He’s an orange beanbag not The Rock.

Plus she’s black, just like Ben Carson. The blacks know the urbans.

Is this a Twin Peaks reference? Somebody needs to get Dougie Jones a copy of Mueller’s case files.

The WaPo story says they are veering into an investigation of his finances. Which, quite frankly, is something the feds should have been doing the second he got in the race out of second nature.

I, for one, am not the least bit scared of getting rid of an international threat who happens to be our president. I’m not down with the concern-trolling and learned helplessness.

I really hope Hillary is sitting somewhere with a bowl of popcorn and a big fat grin.

If only Republicans weren’t so tyrannical...

“Nice: Chris Christie has a 15 percent approval rating, the lowest of any New Jersey governor ever.”

Oh also.

Today, I become a Republican once again.