Christopher Turner

You also have to apply for a permit to have a rally.

And here’s Walter Bishop wearing dr Jacoby’s glasses:

He was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Yes ... there is doubt. Because we have Sisko knocking the shit out of possibly the most powerful being in the universe. Also ... turns out he was a God.

I would dare to disagree.

...Do you think Donald Glover is Danny Pudi?

I was going to go watch the movie with my friends, but my friend Leroy went to see it before we could, and it just ruined the whole experience.

I have met several people who loved the first one and I just don’t get it.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta.

Responding to reports of so-called ‘digital vandalism’, Trump’s PR team were quick to show they have a sense of humour these days. “Those Earth-based hatchlings and their fancy USB connections,” they quipped, showing a new friendly face of the campaign prepared to laugh off a prank.

Not really a fan of either of the last two logos (although I understood what they were going for in customizability with the last one, I just didn’t like it), so anything that hearkens back to the mod coolness AND retro appeal of the vintage DC ‘bullet’ is A-OK with me! (And it lasted for 29 years, to boot!)

Hey, anyone remember Johnny DC? ...what the fuck was Johnny DC anyway?

She was a bore... The sass that is Kat Dennings will be missed.

Probably something to do with Venetian Trade Federations...

Kevin Smith has his haters, but I just can’t ever be one. I love almost everything he does. (Comic Book Men was really pushing the limits of my love for Silent I’m down for this show because I am with Kevin Smith until I am dead in the ground.

Dammit. We’ll miss you, Cooke.

It bombed because Twin Peaks had Lynch fans, and a massive amount of casual fans who were in it for the soap drama. My grandma watched it. Lynch, partnered with Snow, filtered through network TV made it okay for Grandma. Grandma was not going to hang for pure Lynch. It is criminal it was panned so hard because Lee and

Fire Walk With Me is a fucking masterpiece.