Christopher Turner

Harmon is an Alt-Righter? You clearly don’t listen to Harmontown.

RE: Samuel L. Jackson’s head casting. Anyone else thinking Skrulls?

So I guess everyone’s just forgotten that Lobo was originally conceived as a parody of this sort of thing?

Now playing

We can only hope it leads to something as glorious as the time Dan told a Frost giant to fuck off.

“I guarantee you it’s not what you think. No one has come remotely close to figuring out what we’re doing.”

Don’t blame me. I voted for Nobody.

Diehard Twin Peaks uberfan here. I knew most of these already, but it’s awesome that after all these years, people are excited about my favorite show again! :)

Thanks for sharing.

For those that have never heard it, do yourself a favor and listen to Mark Hamill’s appearances on Kevin Smith’s “Fatman On Batman” podcast. Not only is he as charming, funny and down-to-earth as you would hope, but he’s a dyed-in-the-wool fellow geek through and through. He’s got TONS of knowledge of sci-fi, fantasy,

Isn’t Firestar a mutant? That would make her off-limits in the MCU.

“Overall, the tone of the proceedings reminds Giffen and DeMatteis’s work on the 1990s bwahaha Justice Leagueseries.”

So whose kneecaps do I have to break in order to make Ron Perlman as Cable a thing that happens? ‘Cause I’ll break ‘em good.

Will they paint Goldblum blue? Jeff Goldblue? Pretty please?

They just better nail the casting. If they don’t get someone with the thespian chops to pull off Long Thin Block That Clears Four Lines At Once, the movie’s gonna suck.

M-O-O-N. That spells Knightfall.


When a Wookiee wants to hug you, you’re getting hugged.

Reportedly, trailer park manager Carl Rodd is set to return in the new season of Twin Peaks (HDS was spotted on location). :)

Makes me nostalgic for the days when Phil Hartman was still alive and Dana Carvey and Dennis Miller were actually funny.

The Iron Man suit isn't a spaceship, either. Didn't stop Tony Stark from going into space in one.