Christopher Turner

...and the facts are just made up. Joining us tonight are Colin Mochrie...

Hi, dears.

Well, Cyclops doesn’t think she’s going crazy — Cyclops just thinks she’s gotta work some stuff out.

The Doom Patrol never got the love it deserves.

It’s time to tear the scab off. The worst thing has been the “will her/won’t he” game he’s been playing. If he’s going to do it, fucking do it and let the cards fall where they may.

Do it, baby. I’ll be hurt, but it’s time to peel this scab off. Destroy yourself by trying to destroy us, you fucking goon.

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.


“In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust, however...”

Holocaust centers.

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

“crosses many lines, beyond a red line, many many lines, they almost crossed the plaid line, which is many many many lines past the red line. Also let’s not forget her emails.”

I see his point. Why, in the Trek verse, would someone be in the closet?

Can we talk about Darth Vader drinking coffee? Because we really need to talk about Darth Vader drinking coffee.

“Cracking toast, Gromit.”

Now playing

let’s take a moment to enjoy The Riker Maneuver

Did the author of this ad-libber’s joke book also have a book of lyrics for freestyle rappers?

I don’t disagree with most you say here!