@Special Agent Bachman: OoT
@Special Agent Bachman: OoT
Good. This, Starfox, Super Mario, and Oot are what will make me buy a 3DS.
Posting stories like this is what puts money into the developers' pockets. It's like when CNN talks shit about Sarah Palin's dumb ass when all they're doing is raising awareness and creating celebrity for her. No press is bad press and bad press is free advertising. Will we ever fucking learn? No.
ITT: Sedentary people filled with rage. Read a book or do some exercise or ANYTHING.
@nz: You just had to be THAT guy. Good job, pat yourself on the back.
I hate to say it, since SF is one of the games I hold dearest, but the community really is overall a cesspool of douchey human garbage. I'm sorry she's had to go through this bullshit.
@Givafuk: If you're such a "fighting semi-technical nerd" then what the hell's a "Hydoken"?
As does your useless comment.
Yeah, nobody seems to understand these simple directions. Some of these have already been yanked off of eBay. As one of the testers this pisses me off; we're trusted by M$ to abide by their conditions and even get a free game out of it, but that's apparently lost on some of these idiots.
I'm torn. On the one hand, it was Kotaku that turned me on to this awesome game. On the other hand, it was Kotaku that likely helped this game get shitcanned by Sega. Oh well.
@Gtron: The stock is at $30.10 as of today's close.
@MrTheMoopie: I wish I could promote this. Ha!
Great. Now we get the inevitable flood of Yun scrubs online. I really think that Capcom should balance him before this DLC hits.
@Octopain: Agreed. Came out of left field for me and I was instantly hooked. A pure cartoon.
@Bubbleman! gets the Lead out.: I usually agree with you, but to hand off Zelda to an American company (in my hometown, lol) is a ludicrous idea imo.
I think it'd be interesting to find out what kind of jobs he's been doing since then and how hard up for money he is. Potentially relevant info for the case and it would also satisfy my curiosity.
@ajere001: I like your style.
@Tsunamidusher: Um, okay. Whatever that is.
@Sunwind: He was in SD but he's originally from a 90's comic series, Spider-Man 2099 (written by Peter David and drawn by Rick Leonardi).