Special Agent Bachman

Dude. It was a wannabe Turok (from the same dev, using the same engine) with horrible level design and waves of the same exact enemy type dependent on level theme. I give it points for the Cow Launcher though, because watching people run around with their head stuck in a cow's asshole was some funny shit. Also the

Can you please explain to me how these graphics look dated? Unpolished, sure; the game doesn't come out for over half a year. But dated? Really? Looks to me like these early build graphics are gonna possibly be some of the best this generation.

@earle117: Can you please explain to me how these graphics look dated? Unpolished, sure; the game doesn't come out for well over half a year. But dated? Really? Looks to me like these early build graphics are gonna possibly be some of the best this generation.

@VariantDash: Soon all that'll be left is MMX/Zero slashfics. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

@Snoochtastic: God, let's hope not. MMPU2 please!! On 3DS!!!

@misterexe: Agree 100% on the Zero bullshit.

This is the worst! Dammit, Capcom!!

I got lucky when I bought NFS: Hot Pursuit used . . . . the Online Pass hadn't been activated yet. It was like Christmas!

@Link2010: Wow. I'm gonna bet that N64 was your first console. You gamers today are a soft crew indeed. All that shit you mentioned was the norm back then and that's why I jusst shake my head nowadays when people piss and moan about any game that doesn't hold their hand or include copious savepoints or whatever the

The only thing I took away from this lameass trailer is that you can finally create a custom playbook.

You're pretty much the most blatant fanboy I've seen on Kotaku, what with all your Sony blithering, and also one of the worst posters around here as well. Troll elsewhere.

Darkhawk and Mega Man. That's all I want.

@that girl: The old version already stated that Peach was the only one who could reverse the Koopa magic, and I think you're reading too much into why the bros are saving her. Why project unnecessary ideals into a game that never intended to make a statement of any sort?

My second favorite game of all time behind SMB3, but damn does this look broken. The Wall powers look to be a bit much within the framework of SMB.

@Foxhack: I used to be ShinGouki420. Was doing the SFOmega project. Good to see you again!

@bangbangblah: Just hold Circle and tap the analog stick to select your player, voila.