Special Agent Bachman

What Hannon said was good-natured.  Why the contempt? 


Self-absorbed people can't resist the urge to post comments on articles they obviously didn't read. 

Mozt people understandably only know her from Full House. Why ya gotta be an ass about it?

Which season was the one that brought you back?

It’s called wistful reminiscence, genius.

Dude, it’s a Marvel product. You don’t expect a merchandise focus? Rein in your cynicism.

You don’t want It to be a giant monster brain, faithful to the source, because why? I think maybe you better skip A Wind in the Door, then.

I’m thinking that this game is Konami’s post-Kojima MG test run, just to see how it goes.

Seconded. If you have to explain it outside of your article then you obviously hadn't done a thorough job of making your point.

Me too, and I'd use it as my primary non-WiiPad controller. It looks fucking awesome.

Whoever did the costume concepts needs to be fired, because these are tragically awful.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

+1 for Dilophosaurus reference on a sports site.

Bravo!! This is the best reply I've ever seen on Kotaku. Nothing more really needs to be said, you hit it outta the park. I wish they still gave stars here.



-1 for me, as a SF nerd . . . .

Cannon Spike. But you were on to something.