Special Agent Bachman

@Owen Good: Seriously? That'd be pretty funny.

I'm sorry, but it's hardly news that EA's basically adding all the tech from the previous year's Madden. NCAA is ALWAYS a year behind Madden, and ALWAYS receives the outdated improvements in its next iteration. Without fail.

Good! Is this crap over with, finally? I'm tired of this whole pointless saga. Good riddance.

@VincentGrey: Um, I believe that FF10 was the first Squeenix one.

If you simply must remake a classic FF game, why not choose a far superior candidate . . . . such as FF6? FF7 isn't even the third best in the series.

@Hey_Blinkon: So, wait . . . . you mean to say that the Superdome didn't play a pivotal role in feeding and sheltering people, and that the city doesn't look to the team for inspiration in tough times, and that Brees didn't join the team mostly due to the fact that its struggle touched him deeply? Oh, okay then.

@Hey_Blinkon: "Tired of this Katrina bullcrap"? Really, dude? What's wrong with you? Comments like that make me hate humanity.

@mrpibb79: Yeah, but the pause grenade unfortunately didn't work on that goddamn Hardshell crab boss in level 5. Hardest boss in the game.

@AlucardsQuest: The Genesis one's horrible beyond belief (2/10), the GBC one's okay(6/10), and the PSX one's pretty good (8/10). IMHO.

@Assault: Why? Do you hate Blaster Master?

@mrpibb79: Finally, after years of failed attempts, I've started playing Blaster Master: Blasting Again. So far, well, I'm pleasantly surprised. It feels like a 3D version of the original game at times, and is already miles better than the awful Blaster Master 2. It was a little sketchy at first, but after an hour

@mrpibb79: I don't remember any amoeba blobs, or Level 5 sewers either; Level 4 was the sewer, and the only amoeba in the series was the final boss of Blaster Master: Enemy Below on GBC.

Um, this is great and all (and even looks amazing), but can we get a real sidescrolling sequel please?

@Nexus6: Ape With Mallet as the final boss was horrible; I had no idea I was at the end of the game till the credits started. On a similar note, Robot Orb as the final boss in Halo 3 was almost equally lame.

@gordeaux789: Yeah, SF4 online was shiteful indeed, but apparently it's been "improved" in this new version. And I definitely agree, SSF2THDR (phew!) was pretty badass. My personal favorites are SFA2 and SF3:3S though.

So what. There are far superior FF games that are much more worthy of a remake anyway. FF7 was great and all, but as an old-school FF fan, I'm starting to wish that FF7 would die in a fire.

@gordeaux789: Actually, no, it isn't. Have you ever played a SF game? Are you aware of the large amount of new content in SSF4? As far as SF series upgrades go, SSF4 is the biggest leap forward by a huge margin.

@TigerHat: Hell, show me some alternate costumes for the Alpha characters and I'll be good to go until launch. But these repurposed SF4 screens ain't gonna cut it, Capcom!

Okay, screens of old characters fighting in old stages . . . . did I miss something here?