Special Agent Bachman

@YumeMaxx: You neglected to read the other comments, instead repeated a joke that someone else made, and patted yourself on the back all in one go? Yeah, I see what you did there. Have a cookie!

This excites me, even though I should know better by now.

@mrpibb79: You're kind of a Zen dude. My soul feels at ease.

@mrpibb79: I'm always up for trying a quirky demo. Who knows, it might be decent.

@mrpibb79: Sheez, have I pariah'd myself in a shockingly brief amount of time? Forgive me, Kotakuuuuuuuuuuu!

@mrpibb79: I'm not trying to have a debate, nor do I care if you agree with me or not; I merely wished to state my opinion on the matter, and I did just that. Sure, I could've used more tact, but it is what it is. Sorry if you were offended.

Oh wow. Bland-looking game with tired concept. Add tons of pointless blood. $$$$$$$$$$! This makes me sad.

@mrpibb79: What? How does my personal failing alter the substance of the argument in any way? It doesn't.

Aren't these specific conditions what normally happens when a game's development is hitting the home stretch? What's the big deal? Sounds to me like it could be much worse. Sounds like Whiny Bitchitis to me . . . .

@medopal: What on earth are you talking about? If you're trying to imply that my OS isn't on the level, it came with my laptop that I bought from my friend who runs a legit business putting computers together. Sure, I bought the laptop in early September, before the commercial release of W7, but as a legit retailer my

Whenever I scroll to the bottom of GodMode it crashes and restarts Windows Explorer. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. What gives?

When your stamina is full is the elephant's trunk (on the HUD) erect?

@ecudevil: Ah man, you beat me to it! The joke, not Zac Efron's couch. As in, I didn't beat you to Zac Efron's couch either (we never raced to it), but you just beat me to the joke. Jesus, that was awkward for no reason! Fuck you, Zac Efron. As in, I don't want to fuck you, Zac Efron, but I'll take your girlfriend if

A quick list that I pulled out of my ass:

@ManekiNeko: I know, I was being facetious about Capcom. I'm American myself, and 28 years of age, so I definitely remember how games used to be over here. It was definitely ridiculous to have a spineless (ha!) version of MK, and white blood in Samurai Shodown always pissed me off.

@ManekiNeko: Oh, wow. I used to have SF2 on SNES, and I guess I vaguely remember it just cutting straight to the logo on a black screen after the Capcom logo.

Tried the demo out. This game reminds me of Mega Man (obvious influence) mixed with Ufouria for some reason. It's decently hard, since your timing must be utterly precise and you also die after one hit. It's okay so far, not without it's flaws, but you'd better be good at old-school twitch reflexes or you're in for an

@ManekiNeko: Oh, really? It's been a while since I played a non-arcade version, so, just to get me up to speed could you please tell me how it was altered?

How come nobody used to get mad when the Aryan-looking dude would clock the shit out of the black dude at the beginning of the original SF2 intro?

Been playing this since it launched and it's rather addictive even in such an early state. I'd wager that after the update it's popularity will spike quite a bit, and deservedly so. These guys are on to something.