
It didn’t really matter what Google did. Anything that did not confirm rightwing fantasies would enrage conservatives.

I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands? Who wouldn’t have seen this coming?

They drew the maps. They drew the MONSTERRR MAPPPPS.

I won’t hide my disgust when it comes to Las Vegas; I find it visually offensive. I look away in disgust at all

Right after the Republican fuckheads stop chirping about her emails.

No critcism for the left wing? The right wing is a great wing. It is the best wing. I know about great wings.

the right ‘wing’ has a fuel gauge, fuel range, outside temp, and your cruise control set speed.

bless you

I put snow tires on my Mustang when it was my only car and I was still delivering pizzas.

Dear 8lb 6oz newborn infant Jesus, let me see this before i die.

Why is it so hard to see the good that legal weed does. The tax revenue alone makes it worth it. You can’t fund everything with casinos (lookin’ at you PA).

In his defense, storing anything other than gas in a gas can is not a wise move. Unless it had huge labels on it.

Any brown person coming into this country is a crime in their eyes.

Much like the act of wearing live hamsters as a merkin

LOLLOLOLOLOL, are you saying all I have to do is convince my employer to fire me and rehire me as an independent contractor, and then I’ll be in the money? Boy, sounds like practical advice for the average middle class person, doesn’t it? Oh, and I should ignore the sound of Paul Ryan salivating over cutting SS and

Don’t expect an answer. We just don’t have the brainpower to unpack all of that and realize how hard we’re getting screwed.

Why do they need young people to watch TV news when old people vote?

Maybe spend a fraction less on your stupid military and you wouldn’t even see much of an increase.

Seriously America, it is not that hard. In Canada our health care is fine and our doctors are still spending their weekends in their second homes in Banff (not all of them, Banff is small and hella expensive)