
Seriously? Or joking?

Footnote to side note*.

The downside is that it’s really hard to know from the description if any individual beer is going to be where you personally like it on the hoppy to fruity continuum.

Alta Vista is good, I hear.

Kind of like the free market . . . Until Tesla pisses off the dealer Union and suddenly gov. needs to step in and tell them they can’t sell directly.

‘State’s Rights’ is a cornerstone belief of Republicans...

Are you court ordered to read all Gizmodo articles?

lol i doubt anyone gives a flying fuck about your dumbass whitelist

Now playing

“Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare” - It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Fine. Then no major corporation should play the anthem at the start of the workday.


Get him out of office? He’s going to win re-election and then Ivanka will run, and win, in 2024. Welcome to Hell.

Youtube is garbage. If you want a glimpse of how stupid the average person is, sign out of Chrome and/or your google account, completely clear your cache and check Youtube’s front page default promoted videos. You’ll get classics such as:

“Far-right figures like Paul Joseph Watson have spent the past year calling for platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to be regulated like utilities”

I can think of few things further apart in the automotive world than “Mach 1 Mustang” and “front-wheel drive focus-platform based electric small SUV.”

Engine story comes next week.

Mostly, I am ashamed that the losing side has decided to dig in their heels and refuse to do any more than obstruct, insult, cajole and generally threaten people who don’t share their world view.

It’s a step up from the Beetle? And, I mostly use it in town, and use a safer car for freeway trips. Also, while his safety is absolutely important to me, so is the enjoyment he gets from being in the car. I mean, he rides his scooter down our street, walks on sidewalks near roads, and does any number of other things

Don’t worry. The countries with more expensive petrol make it up on cheaper healthcare and broadband and mobile service while they’re taking their 5 or 6 weeks of vacation right after starting a new job...

I’m not seeing how these would make any difference. They report gunshots (guess what, so do students with cell phones! and teachers, and staff) they patrol and make sure no one sneaks in (schools lock all but the main office door for a reason) they make sure no one that doesn’t belong gets in (most shooters would be