
Fite Me.

This science fiction film uses fictional science! It’s an outrage!

Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.

Step 1: Be a billionaire.

*clutches pearls*

Now playing

Last one is signed, “Carroll Shelbaaaaaghhhhhh.”

I would not be surprised at all that by the 2020 general election the entire right wing will have a talking point of how Trump was secretly a false flag president planted by the left.

“I Hire The Best People”

After the past week there couldn’t have been any way for him to nazi this coming

sounds like the plans they were buying were the the extremely low end stuff, which was taken away.

“I think it’s a Blazer?”

We love you, too.

Torchinsky as always with the bat-shit insane suggestion. God I love this website.

There’s a photography trope that says, “the best camera is the one you have with you.” The idea is that the best photographs aren’t always the ones that are sharpest, or have the most accurate color, or the most megapixels; but rather the best photographs capture a moment that moves you, and those moments pass

not really a fan...

In my opinion, touchscreens are not optimal for applications in moving vehicles. That tactile feedback plus something to hold onto while bouncing around is really nice to have.


Intel is no longer inside.

Substitutes were available at a slightly increased cost, that’s the big difference.