
No big deal. I dig they are making the attempt.

yeah not working for me yet either.

Yep, they are nothing if not whiny babies.

wait. so they want to eat swastikas?

It’s not the pronunciation that bothered me.

I read in my wife’s GTi’s owner’s manual that the dots between the visors are also an “electronic window”. According to the manual the glass has a fine metallic mesh sandwiched between the layers and that this mesh can interfere with RF signals like the ones used for toll transponders. It recommends you place those

I think you nailed it in your parting line Mr. Felton. Get drunk-able, or non-get drunk-able is about all that really matters in my mind.

Holy shit that is awesome. Love it my friend!

They do something they call the “Derelict” series (I think thats what they call it). It is where they take a car thats worse for wear, but whose patina actually looks kinda good, and then they restore and improve on everything underneath. I am super disappointed they didn’t do it on this particular truck.

I have one word.

Agreed. I was being sarcastic.

But my employer has a right to decide whether or not I have access to birth control through insurance.

I am very interested to read a frank review of the Model 3, specifically the interaction with it when it comes to basic driving functions like Mr. Torchinsky is referring to. I think there are a ton of unknowns still (for instance in this case whether or not the “fast” and “slow” shown in the pic relate specifically

I know there are some people who are deep into a particular ecosystem, be it Apple, google or Amazon. But if you are like me and are mostly spread out/don’t own a lot of digital movies and TV, and mostly just use netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, etc, Roku’s are fantastic.

Fuel cell eh? They finally figured out how to make those affordable then?

I think the whole “beer culture” thing really has gotten out of control. Full disclosure: I love craft beer and haven’t bought “crappy beer” in years. I go to local breweries to fill up growlers regularly and usually have a case or two of something “good” on hand to throw into the fridge. But I really like beer!

I will one up you: it amazes me that people think it’s supposed to look like a soap opera. I fixed it on my sister’s TV and she said “well now it looks like it does on a crappy TV...”. To me it looks so terrible I can’t stand it.

Dammit. I don’t want to pay more! They are already axing stuff like 30 Rock and various British TV shows. Look, some of Netflix’s original content I really like (Stranger Things is the big one for me). But they are turning away from why I became a subscriber all those years ago. This keeps up I don’t know how much

It smells like terrible.

Reading this I couldn’t help but hearing “Dear Jalop-so called-nik” in my head every time one of the excerpts from the emails started.