
I realize that crossovers are selling like hotcakes, but I can’t help but think dropping models in favor of crossovers is a short sighted strategy.

I can’t believe people want to tear down that statue! That is American history and culture!

Soooo... Why does everyone think they can just build electric cars nowadays?

Agreed. Gave and Dary make me laugh every time.

The Dollop.

So one thing I can’t seem to figure out: when they “ban the sale of ICE cars” do they mean new cars, or all cars? IE I can’t drive the used car I bought around because it runs on gas?

I think that all we need to know about Damore is that he thinks that their terms are “cool” and not stupid and hilariously childish.

I like cooking with All-Clad but past actually using it I never really thought about the handle —didn’t know it was a signature feature! Now that I think about it, I do kind of like that the U-shape is a perfect spot for your thumb...

They also do sails at the factory every year where you can get stuff for a fraction of the price. My Uncle has bought my wife and I a couple pans this way —they are pretty great.

This was refreshing a refreshing take Mr. Felton.

I can’t be the only one but... reading the books NEVER helped me in an appreciable way. Perhaps I just don’t learn that well in that particular way or perhaps it is difficult to adequately get your point across in a STEM text book but they definitely hardly ever helped me.

Good write up Mr. Tracy... very interesting stuff.

Can’t. Got that one for my left hand and a Logitech M705 for my right...

Full disclosure: I am not a biker.

Neither of my cars have it as a feature. But I have a few relatives whose cars have the ability and I have to say I don’t really mind it.

I am not buying the cost benefit side of this equation —seems lottery levels of luck have to be involved here. Besides, airlines treat us like cattle/bums anyway, may as well be comfortable while you get shuffled around like walking meatbags.

Wait. There are moderate members of Trump’s cabinet?

MMMM El Burro...

Man this thing looks great. I wish the Chip Ginassi teams had a livery like this —not a fan of the red, white and blue ones.

Should have packed it full of bottlecaps instead...