
Man this thing looks great. I wish the Chip Ginassi teams had a livery like this —not a fan of the red, white and blue ones.

Agreed. 100%.

This is why Ferrari bothers me. Really? Give me a break and stop pretending you are any different than anyone else.

I just realized in 10-20 years we will get the pleasure of him running for office.

That was spectacular. Well done.

Hahaha, fair enough. I respect that.

I dunno. I think these look pretty sweet:

The Halo was atrocious lol. I was referring more to the fully enclosed concepts I have seen out there. Which basically look like fighter jets on wheels.

Okay. Full disclosure, I don’t watch F1 or Indy.

I think the point here is that he is just full of shit. He campaigned on, and still constantly talks about, how shitty Obama was while he is doing some similar things.

Do they still call that blue, Swedish Racing Green?

1st Gear: don’t at all think that the BMW lineup is clean —it is all over the place and the number of four door versions of two door versions of four door cars is ridiculous and hatch back versions. But... the lineup makes infinite more sense than Mercedes which I still, after much effort and time, do not

Its really not a “Jalopnik thing”...

I recently took a trip to Dallas and on my return home, at DFW they were using sniffer dogs, walking up and down the security line to “pre check” people. And then at the check point itself they just sent us through metal detectors with our shoes and belts and pockets full (of non metallic things).

It boggles my mind that we will, as a society, take away someone’s (in places with little to no public transportation) sole means of transportation by revoking drivers licenses, and thereby their ability to support themselves through work.

God damn throwout bearing...

It’s funny you all have been having this argument as I have been mulling this over in my own head for a couple months as I have been seeing the 3 GT around more and I don’t hate it as much as I used to —though the 5 still looks enormous and fat and Crossover-y to me.

Totally agree.

I own one and it is a delight to drive. I look forward to every drive to work and every drive home from work. It has plenty of “real world power”. Only complaint is that the ride is a bit rough at times.

I started reading down through your course list and it was eerily familiar...