Let’s first establish that Billy King has been an NBA GM for about 15 years and at no point has he indicated that he has a clue.
Let’s first establish that Billy King has been an NBA GM for about 15 years and at no point has he indicated that he has a clue.
Fuck FieldTurf.
Middle name? Fig.
I don’t think anyone should be excluded for any reason. They played great baseball and got away with whatever they did. Just thought I’d share the bullsh*t twisted reasoning of baseball writers with you.
His best friend (he gave the eulogy at Caminiti’s funeral) was an out of control juicer. But let’s live in a fantasy world where everyone else was juicing, but not your favorite player, who was 5'10" and smashing homers to the moon.
Piazza used andro before it was banned. It was legal in the olympics till ‘97 and legal in mlb before 2004.
I came here for jokey football talk and got some child abuse pics slapped in my face. Ugh.
It’s almost as if the baseball writers are suspicious about what went on in that mid-90s astros clubhouse...
Per AP style guide: In a blog post about dingers, with dingers in the headline, refer to all featured dingers solely as dingers, not less regal dinger descriptions like homers, home runs, round-trippers, bombs, blasts, etc.
Someone has to be the resident NBA lunatic now that Delonte West is gone.
Let’s just settle on “Howard is wide.”
Most importantly to Piazza haters: he didn’t let anyone steal on him.
Piazza had a great 2015. Should be enough to convince another 35 voters that he’s worthy.
Why wait till a 3-1 count?
Let the record reflect that Roy Hibbert when from young doughy coat rack to dominant NBA center to dilapidated coat rack.
Can we generalize this by just saying everything gets better when sauteed with a half stick of butter?
These stupid spoiled millenials are always getting upset when you force them apart from their twin brother...
Are 76ers fans always that pumped when an opponent nails an 18 footer?
Step #1b: Read really short books with large print and call them full length.
Step #1a: have no interests or hobbies outside of reading.