
Brow-er Power.

Isn't capital C Chaos an old luchador?

*points to "New Era Pinstripe Bowl Participant" patch on their weathered jean jackets*

Govt: we prevent chaos so that there is a stable environment for capitalism.

More like UNNECESSARY BUFFNESS, amiright?

Floaters over Tyson Chandler > garbage time threes

Capitalism: I'll share when it benefits me.

44 straight Tongan National Championships!

D.B. Cooper or GTFO.

Correction: Jerry Jones is the dented-can store Jerry Jones.

Drinking Genny Cream Ale in a rust belt upstate NY bar is as close as we'll ever get to living in the 70's.

Despicable G

Aren't we all though? AREN'T WE ALL!?!

True Hawks fans were hoping he drew up the final play for Korver.

How does Craig Ferguson fit into all of this?

"give me a Minute, Man."

I think you are accusing auto correct with confusion.

It is. But only because RogerCedenyanni and TsuyushiShinyanni were taken.

I think you are accusing HOT TAKES with analysis.