
He replied to me a few times, I replied back to him a few times. He apparently felt calling him “the dumbest person alive” was a bridge too far and today, The Incline, a site in Pittsburgh I wrote for once a week during the hockey season last year of which he’s the CEO, informed me they couldn’t use me next season

The only reason anyone thinks this guy is a piss-poor corporate shill of a public editor is because the media’s reporting that he’s simultaneously serving as a corporate exec who fires people for taking reasonably accurate positions from their personal Twitter accounts.

If the standard is “employees who damage the brand” then this guy should be fired out of a cannon. He has no discernible positive benefit to ESPN at this point.

There are times when I think that reports of mediocre white men failing upwards are exaggerated, and then there are the times I read Jim Brady’s twitter.

Admonishes dude who “delved into insults” then immediately calls him “pissy” when every response by Lozo w/r/t the parting of ways has been mature and reasonable. Fuck this guy with a rusty nailboard.

Look, the only reason people think Trump is a white supremacist is because of the things he says and does. If the media would just stop reporting on the president, no one would think such mean thoughts about him.

With My Little Ponies in them?

Where does this rank on that list?

Nah, this is just a game to them. Once a player is off the field, everybody’s friends.

This is a good take.

So, what you’re saying is, this judge owns Zeke in at least one fantasy league.

+1, You are a God damn national treasure.

Maybe not a bribe, per se, but surely you can find federal judges, and even the occasional Supreme Court justice, willing to go on a fancy junket or give a speech to some wonderful group of benevolent like-minded people who might coincidentally have business before the court.

It’d be really hard to find a Federal Judge willing to accept a bribe. Judges are appointed for life (on good behavior) so they are almost completely politically insulated, needing neither public support nor money for campaigns.

Here’s what needs to happen: The NFL and the Federal Court System needs to find sponsors for a special series of judges.

Maybe the same amount John Mara gave to Lisa Friel and Roger Goodell.

So how much did Jerry donate to the judge?

We’ll neville surrender!

This deal ensures plenty of set-pieces in our time.
