
And had to do 100 hours of community service and serve two years on parole!

Absolutely agree.  For example, football players - you see them with other football players and it gives you a warped idea of what they actually look like.  A football player next to his wife, for example, shows the immense disparity in body size.  

Yeah, but who cares that he did some crappy kids movies?  He’s allowed to earn a living.  It’s not like he defended the movies or anything.  

Yes - thank you. But we all know that that’s just a crazy dream.

Yes - this is exactly the point I tried to make somewhere above, but you said it much better. I think in his mind he was making the assumption that Yi knew enough about him that she’d take it as a joke. Well, if she’s not in on the joke then he’s just being a jerk.

Personally, I don’t really care that he took a paycheck to do the Alvin movies. He only spoke up about it because so many people were giving him crap about it. It’s pretty easy for people to have flawless artistic integrity when it’s not their money.

Though I’m also not really clear on why it needs to come up now.

Yeah, more or less. I think he tries to make points and maybe satire points-of-view without obviously saying “this is satire or parody”, if that makes sense.

I was thinking the same thing - “we want to watch some Marvel movies”, sign up for a month then cancel, etc.  As you say, I don’t think I’ve ever kept my HBO subscription active for more than a couple of months at a time.

For me it’s all about people.  People ruin going to the movies more than anything else.  

I can’t wait until they remake Titanic.

As a sheeple, I myself greedily slop up whatever filth they slop in the metaphorical trough and thank them for their unending kindness.

Yes, what are vintage cartoons without the “classic” blackface jokes?! Some people pick such ridiculous battles.

Disney is one of the worst offenders of the “limited release/re-release/special release” for their movies. I have a hard time believing that they’re giving away access to their entire classic film catalog for $6.99/mo.

I realized at some point in my life that I was never going to be all that great at golf. I love the game but never could afford to play often enough to get really good.

Jesus’s finishing move: The Three Nails (he jumps from the top rope and lands on his opponent while holding a “crucified” position).

Good points, and it brought this thought to mind: if they do end up trying to push a subscription model then won’t they just make cheaper kinds of games, a la mobile games, in order to make them profitable? Or the focus will continue to shift to the battle royal model where the publisher is selling a setting and a

Yeah, as a music fan it’s lovely to hear about a band and then be able to HEAR them in short order, but there’s no way for that band to earn any money from me streaming their music.

Also, The Far Side is the best comic strip of all. I will brook no argument.

There’s a nice, pleasant, mostly non-phenomenal doc called “Austin to Bostonabout a group of hipster folkies doing a tour together. It’s fine. Not all of the music is great, but I like music docs so I watched it.