
Counterpoint: it was glorious!

Now if someone would be kind enough to explain to her just who Charlyne Yi is, everything would be great.

Not that I have seen many of the photographs from the Body Issues, but I was always surprised at just how huge pretty much everyone’s thighs were (plus, they just seemed to be about 80 lbs of solid muscle). Didn’t matter what sport they played, their thighs were ginormous.

I never understood the fascination with cities like New York and Chicago (I’m from Chicago). The weather sucks. They are overcrowded and dirty. Why as a player should it be assumed I would want to play in one of those cities? Big market? There are plenty of big markets with better weather and lower costs of living. If

This. I mean, I’m sure *someone* got all hot and bothered seeing Prince Fielder in the buff, but I was just intrigued to see a body designed to pound home runs given the full “tasteful nude” treatment.

I was just making a dumb joke about bowler’s physiques, but if we’re having a serious conversation, I actually thought the Body Issue was a cool concept.

That version of Michael Vick got busted for running an illegal pug grooming ring.

Yes, and never shall we lament what can be replaced.  That’s what mom said about dad, anyway.

if only there were other places that offered the ability to do that

Naked gofers?

You managed to accidentally get the gender pronoun wrong three separate times? 

It was 10 years ago and the interaction seemed to only have a significant impact on her. It makes sense he would forget about it.

Adults are adults and love is love.

I believe David Cross did this

If I’d known this was going to be about some Twitter B.S. I would never have clicked through.

As our long, national nightmare draws ever closer to the end, only one question remains unanswered: Who the fuck is Charlyne Yi?

Y’know after the Arab Spring I was willing to give Twitter a chance and believe that it was possible that it could be a force for good in the world but...

God, I fucking hate Twitter.

He likely genuinely believes he was doing a character. It doesn’t excuse it, but it’s something some people think takes the piss out of racist people/actions.