
Do we even need to ask what color the driver was?

The police response at Charlottesville makes me worried about how much they may have been compromised by white supremacists.

I too often have difficulty hearing gunshots a few feet away from me. I wish they made them louder.

You can hold two opinions in your head at the same time, you should try it.

Wow.. it’s almost as if CPD doesn’t want their brothers getting arrested... hmm...
Considering how ready the cops are to bring the hammer down during protests, yet stood around for this one convinces me that the entire department in that city approves of the alt right demonstrators, if not complicit with their cause

How about we all stop pretending permission is needed to accept logic.

Just using information to capture criminals. These idjits seem to forget that despite their emperor’s encouragement, cameras and the net exist and are ready to document and spread words of them being pieces of criminal shit. Lots of crying nazis these days! :-)

This is so many kinds of perfect. lol

Confederate West Virginians are confused about history. He’s no BLM ally.

It’s a Southern Racist Thang, Y’all Wouldn’t Understand

“Look what you made him do” - FOX News

This reminds me of something....

Yeah, after looking at his past I’m filing a challenge.

He was defacing property with the intent to blame BLM supporters for defacing/destruction of property.

Check all his social media. $10 he posted somewhere saying “c wit dem dindunuffins be spray payntin’ awe ova town?!”

Also, 8 pm in the middle of the summer it wouldn’t be that dark outside.

Jesus! The story makes it sound like they were basically walking down the middle of a highway. This is a residential road, in town, with houses around it; how the hell fast was that driver going? How is he not being charged?

Nothing says “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” like criminalizing poor people for not wearing full night-time construction crew gear. Never mind that there aren’t street lights on that street (because that ain’t the dang government’s responsibility!)

So I googled the road that the boys were walking down and this is what it looks like: