
I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

You’re telling me fans would rather you lose and put a worse player out there...

If CK is good enough to compete for the starting position, the team’s probably a shitpile anyway. I swear, I think “Distraction” is like the Family Circus’ “Not Me” gremlin, a non-existent phenomenon meant as a diversionary tactic.

I think the fact that he does not know or even care who the QB of the Jets is his exact point.

You think Hackenberg is sad or happy he wasn’t mentioned?

Given that she’s apparently a known artist, represented by a gallery, who has won awards, I’m betting just fine. Using Dickie’s definition of “art”, the artworld has already conferred that status to her work. That definition has its flaws, but it certainly describes what actually happens . . .

I wonder how well it would do in a contest without the pretentious artist’s statement about it? What if it just said “Photogram, ink and saliva.”

Yeah, but you forget that the person, put a lot of work before that even commanded the value it did.

There’s always history and a back story. And a lot of blood and sweat.

The counterargument is that you didn’t paint it, nor did you have the “artistic courage” to ask $46+ million for it (or whatever it originally sold for).

Don’t practice your art skills, practice your BS skills if you truly wish to make it in the art selling world. Otherwise, live for your art regardless of the monetary value.

She looks like the Les Miserables girl, which let’s face it, is a little too on the nose.

Those microwaves are going to be starting at QB soon.

“Jimmy Haslam? The guy who had to write a billion dollar check to the government to stay out of jail? Yeah, fill out the application.”

As a 54 year old Browns fan I can assure you the entire Browns franchise is fake news...

Seriously, if someone told me this was a screenshot from The Road I’d believe them without hesitation.

The difference between that one and this one is that the Brown’s kid already has a 1000 yd stare. They’re already numb to pain and resigned to the fact that their team will always suck. The Atlanta kid had hope, the Browns kid’s hope died before they were born.

Spergon Wynn is not a real person! Thad Lewis? Fake news!

They added/bragged that their owner, Jimmy Haslem, was owner of the Browns to further bolster their case for not filling out the application.

My company does business with Pilot Flying J. We asked them to complete a credit application as we were selling them several microwaves to their stores and they are notoriously slow about paying their invoices. They balked at the idea, saying that they were a large corporation with billions in revenue and shouldn’t