
I’m going to have it added to my Lena tat.

It gave my rescued dog an erection... my dog is female.

I sent them a donation just for that line. There’s doing good works and there’s doing great works.

That’s not just shade, that’s a straight-up total solar eclipse.

It’s a Devo hat. Devo is possibly my favorite band ever.

Am I supposed to never have a dog because my boyfriend is allergic?

I mean, a dog can only listen to so many 3,000 word diatribes about how the dog is personally victimizing Lena Dunham before he turns into an asshole...

Adopting a pet you already know that your significant other is allergic to is one of the the most low-key passive-aggressive bullshit things I’ve ever heard.

and it’s the only way this idiot could ever inspire an actual erection

Hey, Adam Driver was in those photoshoots because he wanted to, not because she made him.

Standard rule of thumb, the more weird and inappropriate places someone takes their pet to, the more staged Instagram pics they post, the shittier the owner.

I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.

holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.

I hate people that use pets as props.

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”

Not sure if joke intentional or unintentional...

when larry turns his hat around, it’s like he flips a switch, you know? he becomes like, a this truck, you know?

+1 co-pay